Chapter 2

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Italic Words - Someone's thoughts

Update was for small grammar edits sorry working on next chapter already - 7/5/20

Deku's (Izuku) POV

  We arrived on the crime scene that All Might had told us to head to. One word that could most certainly describe the scene... MESSY. There the jewelry store's front windows were all smashed that including the glass door entrance. Once we made our way through the crowd and swung under the wooden police barrier, an officer confronted us.

"Hello nice of you to come and assist us, Deku and Uravity." The officer saluted as he greeted us.

"Of course, more than glad to be of help to Tokyo's police force." I boasted proudly while placing my hands to my sides bringing a toothy smile. Uraraka placed her hands behind her back nodding in agreement at my statement.

"Well then right this way if you will please." He motioned his hand towards the building.

We started to walk in hearing the sound of constant glass crunching due to the amount of officers walking around the scene. I scanned the area seeing broken displays showing some pieces of jewelry either hanging off the edges of the displays or already on the floor. The officer brought us to the store manager based on his name tag that says 'Manager'. He was already speaking with another officer that saluted the one escorting us when we approached.

"This is the store manager that was on shift when the robbery had occurred, feel free to ask questions if you have to." Me and Uraraka nodded.

"Hello sir, I'm Deku and this is Uravity we'll be taking a look around if you don't mind." It wasn't necessary to ask seeing as there are other police officers already around investigating the scene. Still it doesn't hurt to ask politely just so we're on good terms with one of the victims.

"Not at all go right ahead." The manager insisted.

"I'm gonna search this area Deku while you take the other side of the building, cover more ground that way." Uraraka had told me, I nodded back at her and made my way to the opposite side of the building. I began looking at all the key points of the crime they had labeled with numbered yellow cards. It wasn't much but every once and a while you'd stumble on blood stains that landed on the floor or displays from I assume the victims. I'll have to ask that for sure, why did the robber cause harm? I rubbed my chin while thinking.


Uravity's (Ochako) POV

  I had started to inspect some of the of jewelry displays noticing a strange pattern of some pieces. It seems as if he took some in a certain area then left the rest there. Why didn't he just scoop all them up wouldn't that have been better if he tried taking almost everything. I started to wonder if he was only looking for something in specific. After a bit more looking around I decided to come forward with questions for the manager. I walked up to him and tried to get his attention by tapping on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir?" I asked waiting for him to turn around.

"Yes Uravity?" He replied back.

"When the robber came in and well held up the store was there anything specific he was looking for?" I asked hoping I didn't sound like I was making a mocking joke.

"Well now that you mention he did want to know which displays mainly have sapphires." He pointed out towards certain displays that I had came across.

"Sapphires? Did he happen to say why?" I questioned.

"Well when he came in that's all he asked for, demanding more from the back while he cleared the ones in front. I lied and stalled while waiting for police to arrive saying 'all we have is what's displayed or was displayed'." He seemed troubled just as me wondering why specifically those jewelz. Deku then walked up to us as we finished talking.

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