Chapter 9

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No Ones POV

Someone's Thoughts - Italic Words

Morning came and like a tidal wave crashing into the shoreline, awoke both our heroes (that tidal wave being a very annoying alarm on your phone). Silencing their alarms they both arose from their beds of sweet blissful sleep. Standing up and stretching they began their usual morning routine. Dawning their hero costumes and clipping belts they begin to walk out the front door, locking it afterwards. They look towards each other and smile.

"Good morning Deku!"

"Good morning Uraraka"

Walking down the steps they meet up on the sidewalk and start in the direction to their agency. The cities usual buzzing is lively like every other morning. Cars and pedestrians passing by. Little do our heroes know something far off within the alley's of Tokyo a large figure is hidden in the shadows.

A cloud of smoke puffs out the man's nostrils, with the cigarette in the corner of his mouth. He finishes it and tosses it onto the ground crushing the cig with his boot. Adjusting the collar of his duster coat making sure it's still flipped up. He pulls out a Nambu M57 9mm pistol that's in the pocket inside his coat. Double checking that it's loaded he slips it back in. Walking to the opening that leads to the streets he suddenly stops and grips his right arm tight groaning in pain. Blood begins to slide down his arm to his wrist and drip off. Rolling up his sleeve, he focuses on letting a raw jagged sapphire start to come out of his skin and fall off. Picking it up he tosses it in a nearby trashcan.

"More...... I... need.... more", cleaning the blood off him best he can he walks out into the public sidewalks.


Deku's POV

We were an hour into our patrol keeping a look out for the sapphire villain I've been investigating. If I'm right he should try another hit on a store today if not tomorrow. Sticking close to stores that were far from larger crowds and didn't get much attention we stayed cautious but all was quiet so far. I was scanning ahead trying to spot any description of the suspect... when it happened. An alarm bell started ringing at a jewelry store by the end of the block. We sprinted into action as we got close to the entrance. *CRASH* A large coated figure that matched our guy came breaking out the window. He ran opposite of us and down the sidewalk shoving people out of his way with a burlap sack in hand that had what we could assume was stolen jewelry.

"Go on ahead! I need to make sure no one was severely injured!", Uraraka shouted heading into the store.

"Right!", taking her suggestion I started my pursuit. "Please make way!", I began to shout at civilians so that way I don't bump into them. It's too crowded can't risk running over anyone in full cowling! Trying to get past people I nearly start to shorten the distance on the villain when he makes a sharp turn into an alley. Stopping at the entrance to the alley I look to my right to see if Uraraka is trying to catch up. She was making her way to me.

"HE WENT THIS WAY!", I shout at her and quickly continue my pursuit knowing she'll catch up. Full Cowling: 15%! I run ahead making sure at the same time to not cause unnecessary damage to the buildings. I see the villain and I'm about to catch up to him. He turns around dead in his tracks and reaches into his coat with a nasty scowl on his face. Making a quick decision I start to ricochet between the walls of the alley whilst getting closer to him. He pulls out a pistol and fires franticly in any direction at me. Missing his shots he runs out soon and tries to reload. I get up close and kick the gun out of his hand, I follow up with a right punch. SMASH !........................ I landed the blow but he'd raised both his arms together in an X and blocked it.

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