Chapter 3

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No One's POV

   Once the heroes managed to get a few autographs and selfies out of the way they strolled over to a café. Tokyo was always lively, vehicles swishing by off to who knows what destination. The chatter of pedestrians on the sidewalk mainly over the phone, texting, or amongst friends and family. They found seats near the front window of the establishment. Their orders were placed, as they sat down the waitress brought their desired beverages.

"Thank you", both said in unison.

"Your very welcome", the waitress smiled and then sent a wink Midoriya's way.

The young man had a wobbly smile and a small blush crept up his cheeks. He shot his head towards the window out of embarrassment.

"Hmm", Uraraka grunted while shooting an annoyed glare at the waitress as she walked away. What's her deal, she thought to herself.

Midoriya finally came down from his state he was in to notice that Uraraka had what appeared to be an irritated look on her face.

"Uraraka is something wrong?", he asked with caution hoping he didn't do anything wrong.

"Huh?", she snapped her eyes towards Midoriya clueless. "Oh nothing, why do you ask?"

"It's because you seem like something was bothering you?"

"Don't worry I'm ok", she put on a small smile for him.

"Oh ok", he replied while fidgeting with a straw at the ice in his drink. Was she.. Jealous because of what the waitress did? He thought while looking down at his drink.

They sat there catching up with each other, talking about how their summer was so far after they graduated from UA. Anywhere from what they did or where they went. Uraraka went with her parents after graduation on a family vacation as her gift, visiting Hawaii. She told him all about her embarrassing attempts at using a surf board. How they went scuba diving to the reefs. To the amazing cultural gatherings for the tourists. She still had an aim at being a pro hero while staying there. They got back home with in a week. Eager to keep her promise at repaying her parents by giving them an easier life.

Midoriya knew that his mom being a hard working single mother wouldn't be able to afford anything luxurious for him. He ended up telling his mom before he graduated that she shouldn't try to do anything too big for him. She decided on making a nice dinner, inviting All Might seeing that he played a big part into making Izuku who he is today. Inko and Toshinori celebrated Midoriya's graduation informing his mom that the next day he would start hero work at All Might's agency.

A lot has changed between the young heroes how much they've greatly improved with their quirks and matured as young adults. Their heights even changed, Midoriya reaching up to 5' 9'' while Uraraka at 5' 5''. When Uraraka was on her last year at UA, her zero gravity power has increased and martial arts gotten better. Varying on size she can hold objects up for longer durations maybe even hours depending. One time during an internship she managed keep a nearly whole 10 story building from titling and crashing down causing even more damage for over half an hour. Of course while she held it they got supports to keep the building up while they evacuated the people in it.

Midoriya still having to keep his quirk One For All a secret, with conditions of a few people who already knew before it was passed down to him from All Might. He ended up only telling her that his quirks powers increased as well. That being super strength and speed from what she can tell. He can now control OFA at 80 percent.

They just finished up eating their food when the waitress came by with the bill. Uraraka started to reach for belt at one of the pouches that contained some cash.

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