Chapter 4

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No One's POV

Italic Words - Somone's Thoughts

   Midoriya and Uraraka finished up their patrol and started the walk back to the agency. Luckily for them the rest of their patrol was easy, only bumping into a purse snatcher who was under the assumption thought he got away. Following procedures which obviously involved handing him over to the police and returning any stolen items back to the owner.

"That old lady was so kind and I just love how she pinched your cheek", Uravity says while emitting a giggle.

"Yea TOO kind", as Deku rubs his left cheek which to this point is still red.

She continues to laugh from time to time playing the scene over in her head of the sweet old pedestrian, literally stretching his cheek out by an inch. Feeling embarrassment Izuku looks towards the ground while rubbing the fading red mark away. Which earns a light chuckle from Ochaco who notices his embarrassment.

"Ok ok I promise I'll stop" she says while patting his shoulder blade.

They reach the entrance of the agency. Izuku gets ahead and holds the door for Ochaco to enter. Her face is dusted with a blush and decides to play a small smirk while looking at Izuku. She teasingly tells him.

"Such a gentleman", to her success his face goes red and she suppresses a giggle from escaping. She slips off her headgear and tucks it under her left arm. "Hey you two, how was today?", the employee behind the front desk Janice asked.

"It was interesting but other than that pretty smooth", Izuku informs her. "We're gonna go ahead and head up to our offices see you later Janice". She nods back in response. They enter the elevator and Izuku hits the button for a specific floor. They wait to arrive to their floor listening to the stereotypical jazz elevator music.

"You mentioned offices does that mean?" Ochaco having curiosity wonders.

"Yea we as heroes get our own offices which I think is pretty neat", he replies.

The elevator halts to a stop and opens to a busy office of several floor staff who are buzzing around either carrying paper work or typing away on their computers. One of them pass by the heroes with a greeting while they rush to get back to their station. Another comes by approaching Izuku directly.

"Anything for the evidence room today Mr. Midoriya?", a young man with combed hair and glasses ask the hero.

"Just this", Izuku pulls out the same bag labeled evidence from earlier containing a bloodied sapphire. "Could you send me some photos of this, oh and also if anything pings on the criminal database notify me please", he hands over the bag to the employee.

"Will do sir", he nods and proceeds to head over to the elevator.

Just as he leaves a woman approaches both of them.

"Good evening Mr. Midoriya and you must be Ms. Ochaco Uraraka or Uravity our new hero for All Might's agency, I'm Sunada Akiko but you can just call me Sunada", she reaches to shake Ochaco's hand which she humbly she shakes.

"Nice to meet you" Ochaco smiles at her.

"If you could follow me ill lead you to your office where you can setup the space however you'd like whether its from decorations to rearranging the whole thing. We'd wanna make sure you feel comfortable to help concentrate and work", Sunada opens the door to Ochaco's office. Inside its walls are a nice cloudy gray color with a pinewood desk finsihed with a polished touch. A black rolling chair sits tucked in the desk with a black monitor and keyboard on top and computer under it. Behind the desk and chair is a window with shutters that come out from the sides. Beyond that you can see the busy city of Tokyo, Japan. "If you need anything like a coffee or bagel you contact me on the work telephone that's on your desk it has my desk number".

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