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I opened my eyes and observed the strangely dark room.

I turned to my side where Jaemin was laying, but he wasn't there anymore.

I sat up and looked around the room.

"Jaemin?" I said.

No response.

"Jaemin??" I said, a bit louder.

I got out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

The light was off, but I still checked out the bathroom.

I flicked the light on, there was no one.

I turned back around and observed the room, no sign of him anywhere.

I heard someone groan from outside the slightly opened window.

I ran over to the window and moved the curtains only a little to see who was outside.

Just two random guys..

I sighed, glad to know it wasn't Jaemin.

I looked over at the clock to see what time it was.

"3 in the morning?!" I yelled, covering my mouth afterwards.

The sounds from the two guys outside stopped.

I closed my eyes, a bit scared.

"Who's there?!" One of them yelled walking over to the window.

I held my breath and slowly walked away.

A loud bang hit the window.

"Who the fuck is there!" He yelled again, but louder.

I heard the guy try to get into the window, so I ran to the door and opened it quickly.

Swinging the door open aggressively and running down the hall.

I was only in a tank top and some shorts.

My bare feet bouncing off of the prickly carpet.

I stopped at the corner of the hall, trying to even out my breaths.

I turned around, only to feel a sharp pain in my arm.

I winced in pain as I saw a huge cut.

I looked up to see one of the guys who were outside.

"Really thought you could run?" He smirked as he moved closer to me.

I suddenly remembered a move I learned when I took karate back in elementary school.

I smirked as I swiftly swung my leg around his neck and pull him to the ground. 

I jumped on his back before I ran down the hall.

My arm still in a lot of pain, but I managed to make my way to the stairs.

I stopped and sat down as placed my hand on the bleeding cut.

I wanted to see how back the cut was, so I quickly took off my tank top, revealing my plain black bra.

I used the tank top to wipe some of the blood away.

I saw that the cut wasn't terribly bad, but I did need to wrap a bandage around it.

I stood up from the stairs and made my way down them. 

Once I made it to the lobby, I felt a lot of eyes on me.

I sighed as I took the tank top off the cut.

"Anyone have bandages?" I asked with a fake smile.

Soon, one of the workers gave me some bandages, so I wrapped my arm in it.

I was sitting on a chair in the main room, minding my own business.

"H-Here.." I looked up to see the guy again, holding a black t-shirt, men's t-shirt.

"Thanks.." I said with an awkward chuckle.

I slipped the shirt on, it was big but I didn't mind.

He stood there awkwardly.

"So.. what exactly happened?" He asked.

"Some guy cut my arm." I said.


"Yep." I stood up and adjusted the shirt a bit.

"Do you have anywhere I can sleep?" I asked, innocently.

His face turned a shade of red.

"I-I mean, you can stay in m-my office..." He said.

I smiled.

"Okay!" I said happily.

He led me to the office, he brought a pillow and a blanket as well.

He handed me the blanket.

"Thank you.." 

"Jisung.. Han Jisung." He said awkwardly.

"Oh, I know a Jisung." I said with a smile as I placed the pillow and blanket on the floor.

He nodded.

"I-I'm going to head home.." 



"Y/n." I said.

He nodded before he awkwardly waved and left.

I chuckled as I lied down.

Suddenly, I remembered Jaemin was still missing..

"I wonder where he went?" I said to myself.

Little did I know... he was in danger.

- - - -


Ridin comes out tonight (for me)

Umm, I'm so excited!!!!

The teaser made me super excited and I just wanna hear it already!!

Anyway, I hope you had a good day!!

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