La Grande Illusion pt.1

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The next morning, Jug came to my house to walk Betty and I to school. I invited him up to my room while I finished the rest of my makeup.

"Hey, gorgeous." He entered my room and went to go plant a peck on my forehead.

I smiled at his actions, "Hey, Jug. I just need to put on my mascara and I'll be done but you can sit on my bed while you wait if you want?"

"Is your sister ready yet?" Jughead questioned as he goes to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah she is," I nod as I put the brush on my eyelashes and flake it up and down.

"Oh okay."

I put the mascara back in it's place on my vanity before making my way next to Jughead. "Jug, Polly won't answer my calls, or emails and I mean I get that she doesn't want to talk to my dad but, what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, we'll figure it out." Jughead shook his head before laying his hand on my thigh, "Come here."

I lean in closer and we kissed. As if on cue, my door bursts open making Jug and I jump backwards to see my mom standing in the door way.

"Up and at them, breakfast is ready."

"I'm not hungry," I roll my eyes at my mothers sudden entry, "do you know how to knock, mom?"

"Well, Emerald I knew that Jughead was up here so I figured it was a proper mother move to not knock. Anyways, enough is enough. We have a big week ahead of us. The blossom's have always been a thorn on our side ever since according to your milquetoast father, great grandpappy Blossom killed great grandpappy Cooper. Well, it's about time someone brings them to heal. I'm writing a searing no holds barred takedown of their clan," My mother rants as she folds the already folded clothing in my drawers.

This woman really knows how to annoy people. "And you think that's gonna bring Polly home?"

"Maybe, maybe not," my mom shrugs, "but, it'll make me feel better. Word has it that the Blossom board of Trustees has to send it upon Riverdale like a cabal of vampires, why? Now that's a story. I just need to find a way in."

Jughead and I turn to each other with an annoyed look before another Cooper walks into my room. "Hey, guys are you-"

"Holy shit does no one know how to knock anymore?!" Everyone was shook at my sudden outburst but it's true. It's like no one that lives in this house can get they're own privacy.

Betty walks a bit further in, "Sorry, I just came to ask if you guys were ready to go."

"Yeah, we are." Jughead nodded before standing up and holding a hand out for me to help me up. I kindly took his hand and we walked out of the room not wanting to look at my mother.

- -

"Just in time, we're celebrating." Veronica smiles at the three of us entering the student lounge. Betty went to go sit between Kevin and Archie as I took the armchair across from Ronnie leaving Jughead to sit on the armrest.

"Archie was just telling us how he's going to some super-exclusive music program this summer." Kevin turned his head to the redhead.

"Maybe," Archie emphasizes the word, "if it happens, though, it would be huge for me."

Jughead rubbed my shoulder, "Do you have to audition for it?"

"Well, not exactly," Archie shook his head, "Mrs. Blossom came by earlier and said she'd put in a good word for me."

"Amazing," Kevin widened his eyes.

"Terrifying," Veronica widened her eyes.

Both of the two furrowed their eyebrows at each other in confusion on why the other thought the opposite. "Uh huh, What's she get out of it?"

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