Part 26

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(3 days later)

The last 3 days have been a blur, I have been training like crazy. Eveyday I come home, fall asleep and I haven't even seen Iván because he gone back to school. But today, me and Emilio stopped early because Ruban is coming home early.

But I was want to be by Iván. I was excited, he was taking me out to eat and he was taking me to his place where he likes to go. So I went to the house and Iván was talking to a boy. A boy I have never seen before.

Iván-Hey baby?
Iván-What are you doing home early?
Nikko-Your kidding right?

I didn't try to sound angry, but it did come off that way. Iván looked at me and he was still confused, this is the first time since we have been dating, that he made me feel like a freak. I remember something and have been thinking about it all day when Iván did remember why I was home early. I nodded my head.

Nikko-Nevermind. I'm going to bed...I have to be up by 5 tommorw anyways.
Iván-Nikko, what's wrong?
Nikko-Nothing Ivàn...I will be in my room.

Iván sighed as I walked away, but he came back, turn me around and pulled me in for a kiss on the lips but I gave him my cheek. He took it anyways, it's really hard to be made at me.

Iván-Go in my room...I will be there in a second. We can talk...
Nikko-There is nothing to talk about.
Iván-Yes! You're my boyfriend. I really can't remember what is suppose to happen today...I will make it up to you whatever it is.

I crossed my arms and looked at him in the eyes. Yeah, I know there no way i can be mad at him. Those eyes have sympathy and regret writen all over it. I sighed and kissed his big lips, he smiled eskimo kiss me, make my face turn red and smile like a dork.

Me and Iván went our own ways and I went to his room and started to play music and Call of Duty. I remember when me and Iván did this...listen to music, play Call of Duty. I beat his ass and he got so salty...I loved it.

But I got a call from Adam, talking about how Iván was talking to him and even sat by him at lunch. I told him that me and him are dating and he us just doing it because he know that we are best friends. He was ok with it and happy that we are dating.

Anyways, when I was done talking to Adam, Iván came in and sat something down on the dresser. Came over to me, jumping on me. I got annoyed because I was trying to play a video game.

Nikko-Baby, hold on!
Iván-Pay attention to me!
Nikko-I will ju-

Iván just and laid directly on top of me, I sighed and smiled. I wrapped my arms around his body and I kept playing the game. This might actually be better than going out...yeah it's much better.

I was finishing up a game when I felt two pears of lips on the side of my neck, I jumped but than I relized that Iván was doing this. I pause the game and set the controller on the floor, Iván's hand started grabbing the bedsheets but I was in trouble again.

My member is wasting no time! It was not hard but it was twitching, but my head is still not in the right place to be giving myself to Iván. I am not the "wait till marriage", i would rather do that before hand but I still need to make sure everything is right!

Iván started to stuck on my skin and I know that he is giving me a hickies. I moved my hand to his head and as much as I don't want him to stop, I was scared of it showing and everyone think we did something.

Iván-What's up?
Nikko-Sorry...I just don't want anyone to get the-
Iván-What did I say Nikko?
Nikko-No I am saying sorry to myself because I really...REALLY want this. I just never been this close to having sex and I am scared-
Iván-Nikko! You need to claim down.

I looked into his eyes and Iván got off of me. I sighed, I just ruin everything.

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