Chapter 20

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Elliott yawned as he was exhausted and tried to sleep but he was restless as his thoughts did not seem to rest. What would the coven do know? Could Idris be trusted? Was Ronan alright? Was he still a threat? Was Blake out of danger? Who has pulled the strings in the dark? What was their goal?

Silvergale growled for his mind not appreciating him disturbing her sleep. Elliott groaned and rolled over to his side. He heard someone enter the room but did not react as he recognized the smell of the cologne.

Joshua seems to stumble a bit as he came closer. The smell of alcohol hit Elliott's nose.

"Are you awake, mon Cheri?"

"I am now," Elliott muttered with a groan and sat up only to be met of Joshua's unfocused gaze. "And what is the reason for your intoxicated state."

"Whiskey... A lot of it," Joshua said while showing a focused expression. He clearly had a hard time speaking English in his state.

"I know how you become drunk. I want to know why you are drinking in this situation. The witches have released Fingal Keir sending the shifters into a frenzy. Blake almost got killed. Ronan is still out there and more than one wolf is questioning my leadership," Elliott silenced before groaning. "Never mind, this is a great time to be drinking."

"Exactement, mon amour," Joshua said and held out a glass of whiskey to Elliott who sighed and gulped it down in one go under Joshua's cheery encouragement.

"Where did you even find-" Elliott silenced once more. "It's Kai's, isn't it?"

"Ouais, le crétin did not even cacher his pinter well," Joshua chuckled not even realizing that he mixed French and English.

"Yeah, he still hides it in his sofa. Has done so ever since he was a teenager," Elliott muttered and took another glass. Starting to feel all his exhaustion coming onto him at once. He sighed and put away the glass before laying down on his pillow with his hands over his head and closed his eyes. The alcohol sure did the trick to make him relax.

Elliott soon felt a weight upon him and opened his eyes to meet Joshua's brown ones as he had laid himself above him with a smirk.

"Looking good, mon cheri. Especially your beaux yeux."

Elliott felt his heart speed up as Joshua leaned in closer but soon realized what was going on and pushed off Joshua who fell to the floor with a thud.

"Aïe," groaned Joshua and sat up leaning his forehead against Elliott's bed before looking up at him in confusion. "N'est pas d'humeur?"

Elliott stared at him before sighing in defeat. "Sorry, I did mean to overreact. I just-"

"Like someone else? peut-être that justicar. Quel que soit son nom est."

Elliott did not catch all that but did recognize the word Justicar. "Not the justicar. Well, he is not the problem at least."

Joshua once again crawled up into Elliott's bed but this time he curled up beside him. He laid on his said and raised his upper body by leaning on his arm. "Am I the problem then?"

"Not really, at least not at much as me. I am the problem."

Joshua let out a snort. "The excuse in any breakup."

Elliott frowned at him for a while before asking the question. "Then are we dating?"

"I assumed that was obvious. I always take you out and buys you dinner."

"You take me out for work and buys me fast food."

"I would take you out to a wonderful French cuisine but I have yet to find an authentic one in Britain," Joshua said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

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