Dear readers...(my remedies)

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Panacea has officially ended! And I am so thankful for having readers as supportive as you guys

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Panacea has officially ended! And I am so thankful for having readers as supportive as you guys. Seriously, I truly couldn't have done it without you my  beloved lobelies!

So to anyone who cares...just grab a cup of chocolate or coffee or juice or tea...or whatever. Here are somethings I would like to share with you.

1} This idea appeared in my head while writing inseparable's ending. I don't know how or why but it turned out like this. I was literally writing the epilogue and I was like Jikook are each other's panaceas. Wait...why don't I write a book about this?

2}Shruti, Isa and Ari are based on people that I truly love and cherish.

3}This story wasn't prewritten. Perhaps that's why my updates were so messy. I always finish the book to its entirety before I publish the first chapter but for this one...this wasn't the case.

4}I have a thing for angst as you may have realized but after seeing your reactions when inseparable ended, I decided that Panacea should have a happy ending. And honestly it fits the story better.

5} My favorite chapters are ''29] Astrophilia'', 18] Jungkook'' and ''37] Jimin''.

Please if this book made you feel even a single emotion, answer these questions for me:

-Which was your favorite chapter?

-Favorite line or phrase?

-Favorite Jikook scene?

-Most heartbreaking [not that it had many I think] and happiest scene?

-Favorite characteristic/ trait of a protagonist?

-Something that you would like to ask me or tell me.

Gifts for my precious angels

*For the ones that supported me while I was down. 

1] Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. 

--Oscar Wilde.   


My angel. I don't ever want you to doubt your beautiful self. When the right time comes, someone will come and treasure you for life. Cause that's what you are. A valuable treasure. From inseparable and after, you never left my side and you still support me as if we know each other personally. And I wish we meet someday so I can cuddle you close for eternity. I truly love you little one. ACCEPT YOU ARE MY ANGEL.

2] "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

― Mae West

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