Confessions of a Serial Killer, by Skye Witherdale

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Entry 1 (Subject P) ~ A Musical Crescendo (5th March)
Entry 2 (Subject S and A) ~ An Unexpected Package (7th March)
Entry 3 (Subject S) ~ A Night to Remember (14th March)
Entry 4 (Subject L) ~ The Poisoned Pizza (15th March)
Entry 5 (Subject T) ~ Snitched Get Stitches (18th March)
Entry 6 (Subject N) ~ The Fall (19th March)


Entry 1 (Subject P) ~ A Musical Crescendo (5th March)

She was sitting on the bed nearest the window. She had obviously just woken up, her hair was messy, she had no makeup on. I edged closer behind her. My hand was wrapped around a piece of sheet music. Requiem by Mozart. The last piece of music he wrote before he died. It was perfect.

My grip became stronger as I came closer to her. The strength of my hand began to slightly crease the paper. I knew I had to act fast as the sun was rising and people would be coming soon.

I was about a metre away from her now. Just on the other side of the bed. I rolled the paper up into a tight tube. It was time.

Time for her to die.

I launched myself at her. Wrapped the sheet music around her neck. She was startled, shocked. She pushed me back. Until we were both up against the door. Kicking, punching, she was trying everything. But I had her, my grip was too strong.

She was running out of breath. Gasping for air, her face was turning bright red.

She stopped fighting. Her arms fell beside her. Her heart had stopped beating. I let go and she fell. She lay on the carpeted floor just to the right of the door.

That was it. It was done.

No turning back now.


Entry 2 (Subject S and A) ~ An unexpected package (7th March)

This murder would take a lot of planning. I had been planning it for months, but finally the day to do it had come.

I waited until about 6 pm to set up the packages. Earlier in the day I had been out to the shops to buy two identical black boxes and brown wrapping paper. I had prepared it all, the boxes, the knives, the packages. All that was left was the camera.

I arrived at their dorm. I knocked on the door, just to check nobody was in. Sure enough nobody responded. I picked open the door with a pin and quickly went in. Making sure nobody was watching. I set up a small camera and positioned it perfectly on the bookshelf to make sure I could watch the whole evening. It was small enough to not be noticed by anyone.

For hours I stood waiting in a broom cupboard located just outside their dorm. Waiting for them to come home.

Eventually at about 9:30pm they did. And I knew the time had come. I waited for them to get comfortable and at 10 sharp I rang the doorbell. I carefully laid down the packages and bolted across the hall and down the stairs.

I'd set up the camera in an abandoned dorm downstairs. And now, it was just a waiting game.

Foolish, those two are. Didn't think twice about the packages and just brought them inside their room. I knew it was only a matter of time before they got what they deserved.

Click. They were dead.


Entry 3 (Subject S) ~ A night to remember (14th March)

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