Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Maddy and I'm 15 years old. I am from New Jersey. So I'm just here on TikTok watching the Sway Boys. I love them, they are so funny, entertaining, and hot. And you won't believe what happened!!

So I was on TikTok and I find out that out of no where, Bryce Hall followed me back on TikTok. YES! The BRYCE HALL!!

I dmed him and said "thank you for following me back, I love you so much!"❤️

Two hours later I look to see if Bryce saw my message yet and I didn't look like that he did, he was probably sleeping.

An hour later I finally get a notification that Bryce wrote me back I was so excited. He sent me this message.

Bryce: Anytime! So what's going on?

I was freaking out because Bryce randomly follows me and dms me which I don't mind at all, but it was so unexpected.

So I wrote him back and I was like, "nothing much I didn't really do anything today." And I was waiting for Bryce to write back.

Bryce: Oh I didn't do anything either, it was raining in LA so I couldn't go outside.

Me: Oh, well it is nice over in New Jersey, it's like 70 degrees

Bryce: lucky! You should've gone outside and get some fresh air.

Me:I know but I didn't know what to do 🤷🏼‍♀️

Bryce: I have an idea!

Me: what is it?

Bryce: how would you like to come stay at the sway House for a whole week with us?

When I saw Bryce text me that I was fa-reaking out.

Me: Ofc I would come!! OMG I never knew you would ask!

Bryce: I thought it would be cool to bring a fan to the sway house.

Me: yeah I would but I have to ask my parents first and I need to get a plane ticket

Bryce: I can pay for your ticket

Me: wait? Seriously

Bryce: yeah of course. I'm being nice.

Me: thank you so much you're the best!

Bryce: anytime

Me: ☺️

So I asked my parents if I can fly to LA by myself and stay at the sway house for a whole week. It took a lot of convincing, but they said yes, and I was so happy.

I texted Bryce back and I told him that I can go and he was excited too.

I FaceTimed my best friend Lia and told her that I was going to the sway house for a week.

Me: Lia guess what!

Lia: what?

Me: I going to stay at the sway house for a week!


Me: Bryce invited me to come




Me: TikTok

Lia: You are so lucky

Me: I know

So after I talked to Lia, I was planning on what to pack. Even though I'm going next week, I am still planning. I tend to plan early lol.

One week later...

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