Bullied By R5 (A R5 Fanfic)

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Chapter 3: I went through all my classes first the day and met up with Ryland for study hall. We worked on our homework then read a book until the bell rang. The teacher dismissed us and we all took off. Ryland and I went to our lockers and put what we needed in our backpacks then walked out of the school. I felt two hands grab me from the side. "Ryland!" I shouted. "Shaylee!" he said grabbing my hands and pulling me towards him. I saw Ross come out from the side of the building with his hands gripping my arm. "Leave her alone Ryland. I got business to do," Ross said. "Shut up Ross," Ryland snapped at his older brother. "You leave her alone. She doesn't need any of this." Ross had let go of me by now. He shoved Ryland and said, "Don't tell me what to do. I'm older." Ryland shoved him back and said, "I'm doing the right thing. You're not." Ross swung a punch at him but he ducked. Ryland kneed him in the stomach then punched him in the jaw. While Ross was trying to catch his breath Ryland grabbed my hand and pulled me to his house. I texted my mom and told her I was at a friend's house and that I would be home before I had to go to bed. Stormie was fixing dinner by the time Ryland and I got home. The rest of the Lynch's were there and so was Ratliff.

***AN HOUR LATER*** RYLAND'S POV: We all sat down at the table for dinner. Stormie asked why Shaylee had scars on her arms. She told my mom about the horrible bullying she went through since fourth grade. I saw Ross and Rydel get a look on their faces. It wasn't an evil look either...it was one of those looks like something finally clicked. Like they finally feel sorry for her. "Shaylee, I'm sorry. I had no idea," Ross spoke up. "That's horrible," Rydel added. My mom put her hand on Shaylee's and said, "We're here for you. If you need anything just here one of these guys." She nodded and looked like she was going to cry. Rydel got out of her seat and walked over to Shaylee and hugged her. There had to be something more than just the bullying. What could it be? Was it one of her friends? A family member died? What was it?

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