Bullied By R5 (An R5 Fanfic)

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Chapter 14: I felt someone cover my mouth with something. I woke up and saw Riker standing above me. I tried to move but my hands and feet were tapped together. The tape was on my mouth too so I couldn't scream for help. I watched his every move. He put the tape on the desk and pulled something out of his pocket. I couldn't tell what it was since it was dark in the room. I felt cold metal against the skin on my arm. "A knife," I thought. Riker made a long cut down my arm. I winced and felt my eyes fill with tears. He held the knife firmly in his hand and held it a few inches above my arm. Next thing I knew that knife was stabbed into my arm deeply and yanked up my arm to make a long deep cut. He did the same to my other arm. I felt the blood rushing out of my arms and started feeling lightheaded. My vision started to slowly go black when I felt him hold it to my throat. He made a decent size cut on my neck and a kinda deep one too. Blood poured out of my wounds. I felt my breathing slow and my vision get blacker. My heart started slowing down and I felt weak. I tried screaming for help but I blacked out.

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