Bullied By R5 (An R5 Fanfic)

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Chapter 12: Riker yanked Ryland up and slammed him against the wall. He started punching and kicking his younger brother everywhere he could. Ross tried pulling him away from Ryland. I felt tears sting my eyes. "This is all my fault....." I said. "If I never would've moved here and went to school everything would've been perfectly fine." Rydel walked over to me. She sat next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. My brothers and friend are idiots. They don't see what people are really like. They judge people by how they look." I put my face in my hands and tried not to cry. Calum and Laura walked in and they looked around at what was going on. Calum went over to help Ross with Riker and Ryland who was now fighting back. Laura sat on the other side of me and helped Rydel comfort me. Every time I try to be happy I always end up screwing up. I couldn't do anything right. "Look," this was Laura talking. "Ryland likes you for who you are. Not what you look like. You're really lucky. If Ross didn't have a girlfriend I'd go after him. They're the sweetest guys I know. He'll treat you right. He won't hurt you." I looked up at her and felt tears stream down my face. I looked back and forth between her and Rydel then I glanced at the boys. Ross finally got Riker to stop going after Ryland. Calum and Ross were holding each of them back so they couldn't fight each other. "Leave me alone Riker! So what if I like Shaylee?! Stop judging her by her looks! Why don't you like her?!" he yelled. They started arguing and broke away from Ross and Calum and started fighting again. I stood up and walked to my room. Nobody followed me. I closed and locked the door and stayed there all day.

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