the wedding

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Sequel to step dad, you guys liked and so did I ngl ! Hope you enjoy!~

Carter was going to explode. The wedding was today. Months of shopping, flowers and cake! Swear to his if Carter sees another cake after the wedding he is either going to hurl or break something or possibly both considering how nervous he is now. Tweek refused to let Craig walk down the aisles in his NASA hoody and chullo so naturally they came to a compromise. The theme of the wedding is....
So there Carter stood in a galaxy waist coat, black pants and a black shirt trying to prevent Tweek from scratching his own eyeballs out in nervousness. "Just breathe Tweek, come on. In and out remember." Carter, like his father, wasn't good at emotions but still tried his best. After several minutes of slow breathing Tweek was finally calm, well as calm as you can get as a person who had caffeine and meth forced down your throat from the moment your body could process hot foods. Let's just say Tweek's parents aren't invited, not like Carter wanted to meet them. Didn't need to. He has his illegitimate uncles/aunts: Clyde, Jimmy, token,Bebe, Kenny and Leo/marjorine, and his actual aunt Tricia. Craig's parents where here anyway and they rocked. However, Carter was only waiting on one person to arrive- Samii. Craig and Tweek were gracious enough to let Carter bring his partner as a date to the wedding, well Tweek and Samii had already met but Samii hadn't met craig. Let's just say Carter was sweating more than a pig in a butchers shop because the last person he dated was immediately scared off by Craig's emotionless glares. Carter got really upset but Craig just said "if they can't handle my glares for a couple hours how are they going to deal with me for a long term basis. If they aren't scared of me, they're a keeper."

Everything was going smoothly, the guests were all seated, the food was all ready and the decorations were perfect as they could be. This was reassuring to Tweek, he knew nothing could go wrong f everything was perfect, he shouldn't panic but he was on edge having not seen Craig for a couple hours. He felt pathetic, even when carter reassured him he wasn't being ridiculous he felt it. For the wedding Craig wanted him to wear a dress, he refused and they made a compromise. Looking in the mirror he gazed over his outfit- a pastel green jumpsuit with flowing ankles, a black belt around his waist and a black hairband adorned with flowers holding back his unruly, untameable hair. Part of said compromise however was that Tweek had to wear heels, Tweek thought Craig was joking. Craig was deadly serious. Bebe had spent months giving him lessons on how to walk and dance in the shoes so Craig had better appreciate his effort. Smiling contentedly at his appearance Tweek relaxed a little, letting the tension seep out from his neck and shoulders. This was his day, nothing would ruin this. Then a sudden crash came from outside the room.

Carter didn't know what to do, one minute he was greeting his partner waiting for his dad to meet them, when his uncle Clyde comes running in warning him to go find Tweek. Thankfully, Tweek heard the noise of Clyde bursting through the doors and had ran into the foyer to greet them. "Hi Samii good to see you. Clyde what's going on?" Clyde eyes shifted and looked nervous. "Well you see, someone let Ben in." Carter's breath lodged in his throat and Tweek went stark white. "What did you just say?" Tweek used a tone of voice with Clyde that he had never heard him use before, it was... angry. "Ben is here and he is currently with Craig trying to get him to leave." Clyde fumbled with his hands and refused to meet Tweek's eyes. From stark white to flushed red Tweek's face changed like a chameleon. " Where are they?" Clyde winced. " Craig's changing room." Tweek nodded. Turning to Carter and Samii his expression softened. " Samii I'm assuming you know who Ben is, I want you to take Carter to the Wedding chapel and tell everyone what is happening and ask for my Uncle James." Samii nodded whilst tweek explained, wrapping an arm around Carter as carter's head swam. " Carter I want you to stay with Samii, no matter what. I will se you both soon." He gave Carter a delicate kiss on the forehead and ran off towards carter's dad's room.

Tweek had never ran so fast in his life.  By the time he had reached Craig he could hear yelling through the door. Bursting into the room he saw Ben pinning Craig to a wall. Like a feral animal he dragged Ben off of his fiancé and threw him to the floor. Cupping Craig's face he checked for any injuries whilst spewing things like  "Are you ok?" and " I swear to god if he hurt you!" Craig was chuckling softly at his soon to be husband. Satisfied, Tweek spin around to face the scum his fiance called an ex. "Who let you in asshole?!" Tweek grabbed Ben's collar, threatening him and surprising him with his strength from boxing. "Some douche called Cartman." Craig huffed and Tweek rolled his eyes. "Honey, I'll see you in a minute. I've just got to take out the trash." Kissing Craig's cheek softly he smiled shyly. Then he gripped the back of Ben's collar and went to the main half where everyone was seated. People looking the peculiar sight hawked and some laughed, a 6 ft man being dragged around by a 5" 6 Tweek. "Eric, comes here please." Cartman sauntered over smugly an ugly smirk on his face . "Just a question before i get down to business, why would you let my fiance's manipulative ex into our wedding?" The question was asked with a calm level time and was polite enough but Tweek's eyes were burning holes in Cartman's confidence. "  Because at least Ben isn't a prissy like you, he understands that Craig is a bitch that needs to be out in place. " Sharp gasps rang through the room, Craig's mother had to be held back by her husband. A dark chuckle was released from Tweek's throat. With a swift, harsh movement a concrete fist collided with Eric's face. Blood erupted from his nose. Eric did not even have a chance to protest before Tweek had grabbed him by the ear and was dragging both of them toward a rather muscular man at the back of the room. "Hey Uncle James, nice to see you. Can you deal with these dickwads please?" The man didn't say a word before dragging both men out of the hall , throwing a grin at Tweek over his shoulder. Tweek turned to address the room, smiling sweetly he reassured them the wedding was going to happen soon.
Samii turned to Carter who was currently in shock, "your Step-dad is badass."
Thankfully, the rest of the wedding went without any hiccups. Clyde have his best man speech, embarrassing Craig in the process. Craig's parents welcomed Tweek to the family with a synchronised middle finger flip, which he happily returned. Carter slow danced with both Tweek and Craig, along as with Samii. The highlight of Carter's night so far was when Craig danced with Samii whilst he danced with Tweek, turns out they are both big fans of a certain tv show (red racer) and tiny rodents.
"Carter before your dad and I leave for Peru and our honeymoon I wanted to ask..." Tweek trailed off looking over to craig who nodded. " I wanted to make you officially my son, so do I have your permission to adopt you? " Tweek not his lip and didn't remove his gaze from the ground, waiting for a harsh rejection. Insisted he was met with a crying Carter hugging his waist right and nodding furiously. "Please adopt me, I love you so much papa." That name broke Tweek's floodgates and years fell down his face as he hugged Carter to his chest as he was hugged from behind by Craig.
Carter had a family and he love it.
"Does this mean I get to bring you to bring your kid to work day now?"

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