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Three; What is love¿

Walking up to Heath Rider didn't seem scary the first time, so why does it feel like that now?

Oh wait, the whole cafeteria is staring at me that's why.

"She better watch where she's going."

"She chose the wrong day to wear uggs."

"I hope he doesn't notice her."

Well I'm sorry ladies. he does notice me, because when I approach his table, he rolls his eyes.

Heath-1 Genna-2

"I didn't say we could meet." He states taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I didn't say I wanted to inspire anyone either, so I guess we're on the same page here." I reply with a shrug.

"Are you this desperate?"

"Are you this annoying?" I retort and he roll his eyes.

Heath-1 Genna-3

A guy sitting next to him reaches out his hand to me."Heath here is a bit rough at times, but you'll get used to it. I'm Mike by the way." I take his hand and shake it staring at him a bit confused.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Genna."

"Isn't your boyfriend waiting for you to have lunch with him?" Heath interrupts. He's referring to Fay.

"Fay and I are just friends, nothing more." I reply but he ignores me and starts a conversation with another guy sitting next to him.  Mike gives me an assuring look and I smile in return before walking back to Fay.

"Did you get him to say something?" Fay asks once I settle beside him.

" No, but I did get his friend Mike to shake my hand." Fay shrugs then looks away from me.


As I walk down the hallway heading to my locker, I notice someone standing Infront of it.

"So you finally realized you needed help?" I ask annoyingly and Heath rolls his eyes at me. " I'm not asking for you help, I just need someone to tell me everything I need to know about Krista's preferences in guys."

"Well, if you put it that do need my help." I state.

"Whatever, just help me out Cupid."

"Someone's a bit grumpy." I tease reaching for his cheeks but he smacks my hand away. Who knew the Heath Rider had a childish side?

"So what does she like in a guy?" He asks looking a bit nervous.

"Woah, slow down. We'll get to that later. Right now I'm going to ask you a question." I say, trying I get him to relax his shoulders.

"Just ask Cupid." He teases.

"Ok, what is love?"

He pauses, then scratches his head while looking at his shoes. Is he shy?

"What is this your first time being asked that?" Now I'm the one teasing. He clears his throat before shooting me a grave look.

"Ok, ok...just asking." I shrug backing away a bit.

Heath-2 Genna-3

"Whatever, love is involves rejection and all kinds of drama." He says.


"This is stupid, I'm outta here." He begins to walk away, but I pull the hem of his leather jacket. "Heath, Wait!" He looks over his shoulder and gives me a soft look.

"What do you want?" Bipolar much?

"I'm sorry I asked you that..." I say trying hide the fact that I nearly peed my pants. "Whatever." He says before turning to leave.

When he vanishes down the hallway, I lean on my locker and give out a sigh.

Heath-3  Genna-3

So much for being Cupid...


Hey guys,

I know my chapters are really short.

I'm really trying to lengthen the chapters, please understand.
Love y'all!

Oh and don't forget to vote and leave a comment! ;)

Oh and don't forget to vote and leave a comment! ;)

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