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Fourteen; Big Loafa (pt 2)

"I'm stuffed." Heath announces while he picks his glass and gulps his water down.

"Wanna go outside?" I ask Toby. He smiles and adjusts his glasses. "After you,"

He takes my hand and we both walk outside. I can almost feel Heath's eyes trailing behind us.

"Did you know that an average star size is twice the size of the sun."

Here we go again...

"Well, you know the best kisses happen under the stars."

Why did I just say that?

"Genna I-"

"Nevermind, forget I ever said that," I turn away from him as lean over the balcony. I shut my eyes praying that he would just walk away and we forget that all this just happened.

But he doesn't...

He places his hand on my shoulder. I turn to him. He cups my cheek with his hand and slides the other down my waist. He pulls me closer.

It's really happening, I am kissing Toby Perkins, the biology nerd, the guy who wears plaid pants on Wednesdays and has a mini model of the solar system in his locker (how do I even know this?)

I really am-

"Enough with the PDA,we're leaving." Heath announces with Krista snuggling his shoulder,but He doesn't look happy.


The whole drive is silent, Toby doesn't even look me in the eye.

Am I that bad at kissing?

Heath makes a stop in front of Toby's house, "Go home nerd." Heath says, Toby finally turns to me and gives a small smile before running his hand through his desk curls. I smile back and look away.

Heath starts the car again once the door slams. I watch Toby's figure disappear. This sucks.

"You guys can take my car," Krista's voice finally cuts through the silence. Heath nods.


"Bye Heath." Krista gives him a kiss on his cheek.


She gives me a quick wave before going inside.

"The passenger seat could use some warming,"

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Are you pissed or something, I'm sorry but I don't do emotions tell me how you feel." He laughs.

"You jerk!"

I throw my purse at him,"You just had to scare him off!"

"Relax, I was just trying to be a good brother."

"Interrupting my first kiss doesn't make you a good brother."

"I paid him to go out with you, he was going to far."

"Well, that kiss meant something. It obviously had nothing to do with 55 dollars!" I scream.

"So you like this guy now?"

"Why are you still acting like you're my brother? Krista is gone cut the act."

"Answer me!" He growls and I fold my arms across my chest.

"Are you jealous?" I tease.


"Is the Heath Rider jealous,about me kissing another guy." I lean closer. He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"Just come sit with me, and stop teasing."

"You didn't answer my question." I tease again and he scoffs.

"Why did you choose Big Loafa?" I ask once I take my seat beside him. "That was the last place I saw my mom before she was shot."

"Oh...I-I'm so sorry that happened."

"Nah, it's nothing. I dont like to talk about it much,"

"I am so sorry."

"We're here." I turn to face my house.

This car is fast...


Hey lovies,

Who else would go for a guy with curls and glasses?

Are you a Toby fan or you're more of Heath fan.

Put it all down in the ...


And don't forget to vote

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