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Seven; Don't count your eggs...


He ignores me and keeps walking.

"Heath Wait!" He still ignores me and makes his way through the parking lot. "Just hear me out okay?" He stops and turns to me.

"What do you want?" He snaps stepping closer. I can almost feel my heart trying to find its way out of my chest. I swallow the bile in my throat and open my mouth to speak.

"Oh wait, you just want to say 'I told you so.' Go ahead Hudson...say it."

I say nothing, Heath looks at me with the saddest look ever and turns away.

"Heath please, fine I do want to tell you so bad how I warned you , but that wouldn't change the fact that you at least tried to get her to notice you... well not in a good way but-" 

"Genna!" he cuts me mid point. "I'm trying to say that you did your best and I'm pretty sure Krista is worth fighting for, underneath her bratty , Regina George, evil step-sister attitude. She could be the best thing that ever happened to you." I notice his lip twitch a bit as he refuses to make any eye contact.

"So are we gonna make this work or not?" I ask my face expressionless, hoping that he would take me seriously this time.

"What?" Heath scoffs and I shuffle closer to him.

"Heath...I need an answer. If you're not interested I would go back to the cafeteria and we end this deal."

"I need to think about it, its not that easy." he says taking a step back.


Heath says nothing and walks over to his motorcycle and speeds off.

So much for high hopes.


"What happened out there with Heath?" Fay asks tossing the empty Doritos packet in the trash. "He went away with his motorcycle."

"Is that it? He left?...what a bad guy!" Fay teases as we head for my locker.

"No Fay, that's not it...he wanted to do some thinking..." I trail off.

"If he needed therapy, he should have just asked" Fay laughs loudly but I ignore him.

I nod silently as I retrieve my books. "So now what? Heath Rider needs to think and then what?"

"Nothing." I shrug.


"Yes Fay, nothing...I tried to give him hope to at least see something good in Krista instead of actually pushing her away . But he's just a selfish egoistic bad guy I'm really finding hard to help." I take a deep breathe once I'm done.

"Well, I'm not going to pep talk you or anything. See you after school?" He pays my shoulder before walking away.



"I'm in the kitchen sweetheart."

I walk in, she's still in her pant suit and her make up is dry.

"Mom, have you heard from dad lately?" I ask and she shoots her head up from her phone.

"Do we have to talk about this?" Mom asks sounding a bit annoyed.

"Well, he is family..." She scoffs and goes back to her phone.

I quickly change the topic by placing my form right in front of her. "What's this?" She asks scanning the paper. "It's a form...for an article writing contest."

"Let me guess, Principal Harley?" I nod and we both begin to laugh. "He sure sees a lot in you...unlike your father." A silence stretches between us and I hold back my tears as my mom picks a pen from her purse and begins to sign the form.

When she's done I walk up to my room, taking in every weird detail about today.


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