Bab 44

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"What do you mean?"Tanya aku dengan serious. Bill, kalau kau cakap kau pernah cederakan Lucas. Sumpah, Aku dah tak ada belas kasihan.

"You'll never understand. Lucas is way tougher than the guy you're with now. Lucas has been through this countless times, Mariéne. And you know what? I respect him for it. He's like a real enemy, and I admire how he fights for you, like he's stealing you away from me. But this guy? He's too weak for you, Mariéne. He can't even stand up for himself. He just takes the abuse, while Lucas, he's different. But you, Leonard, you brought this on yourself, because you lied to me. I thought we were friends."

"Well, ain't that just peachy? This dude goes and breaks his promises, so now I'm supposed to do the same to Lucas. Oh, and get this, he specifically told me to keep it all shut. Well, look at me now, breaking our little agreement." Tambah Bill.

Aku mula terimbas kembali setiap kali aku sedar dia mempunyai luka di badannya . Di leher . Di tangan .

Pertama kali,beberapa hari selepas mama dan papa balik spain dan Lucas datang ke rumah aku dengan sebungkus makanan.

Aku mula tersedar yang dia mempunyai parut di tangannya . Tak pernah nampak pun, sebelum ni aku yakin parut tu tak ada. "Kenapa tangan tu? "Tegur aku sambil merenung tangannya.

Dia berbuat seperti terkejut dan memandang parutnya sendiri. "Bertumbuk ke? "Celah aku sengaja nak bergurau. Dia tertawa kecil. "Mungkin. "Jawabnya.

Tapi dia tak pernah tipu aku. Dia tak akan cakap 'tak' .I feel bad for Lucas .

Aku terus menampar pipi Bill dengan kuat . Aku dah hilang kawalan lepas tahu dia pernah cederakan Lucas tanpa pengetahuan aku. Air mata aku terjatuh . "I really thought you changed. But no, you're still the same, just like a damn motherfucker." suara aku direndahkan.

"Kau tau Lucas hadap benda ni berkali-kali, sebab perlawanan kitaorang tak pernah habis ."tambahnya lagi .

"Then where is he ? Tell me where is he now?! Son of a bitch, get the fuck away from here!"aku jerit. Dia terus meninggalkan kami .

Aku menggelengkan kepala sambil menghadap ke arah bawa . What the hell is just happening? Aku mengelap air mata ku .

Aku segera mendekati Guillermo . "We should go to the hospital ." Kata aku. Takut nanti ada infection.
"I have medicine. "Balasnya. Aku mengambil kotak ubat-ubatnya yang terletak di atas meja sambil merawati luka-lukanya yang ada di muka dan di tangan.

Guillermo hanya merenung mata aku. Dia perlahan-lahan memeluk aku untuk melegakan aku. Aku menangis ."you can cry. "Katanya.

"I feel like a fucking idiot .Im sorry Guillermo ." Aku memeluknya dengan erat .

"I'm selfish. I never listen to you. I know you wanted to help me, but I keep denying what's going on in my head."

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you and Lucas have to go through this. This isn't a joke. Bill just beat the shit out of you guys, you know? What if he went too far and... and..."

"It's my job. "Jawabnya begitu selamba. Your job ? What? Be my hero ? Tapi yang aku masih tak boleh terima ni Marquez, kenapa dia tak pernah bagitahu aku selama ni.

"Where the fuck did he go? Is he gonna be okay ? Dia lari sebab ni ke ? Sebab Bill cederakan dia? "Aku hanya mampu melepaskan kata-kata hati aku kerana terlalu panik.

Guillermo tertawa kecil. "it's okay , estefanía . He's fine. Jangan dengar sangat kata Bill tu. Ni yang dia nak you rasa, he wants you to feel bad about it. So don't be. Marquez tu budak keras kepala . Dia tak suka mengalah. So don't worry kay?" Katanya.

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