[July] - The Arrival (2)

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Dianne awoke slowly, her eyes fluttering open in the bright slash of sunlight that was now coming through the tall window across from the bed. Her bed, she realized, for at least the next two months. It was comfortable - more plush than she had anticipated for a guest room. The exposed brick wall it was pressed up against gave the plain room a bit of character and if she had been staying longer than a few months, the decor ideas swirling around her head would definitely be coming to life.

After she'd agreed to the temporary arrangement, the boys had led her to the empty room where she'd instantly fallen into a deep sleep, her jet lag and emotional turmoil of the day catching up with her. She didn't even remember Joe coming back in to leave her key to the place on the bedside table - which she had just noticed, alongside a note that read "Pizza's downstairs, feel free to join - Joe"

Her stomach chose that opportune moment to growl loudly, so she pushed herself up to a seated position, stumbling over to the plain mirror on the opposite wall. Wincing as she looked at her exhausted face in the mirror, she smoothed her fly away hairs back and tried to wipe the excess mascara that had bled under her eyes. Before she was able to open the door and venture out toward the kitchen to see if there was any pizza left, she heard the low muffled voices of her three new roommates, causing her hand to pause and hover over the knob.

"But what do you actually KNOW about her?" the odd accent out asked, and Dianne knew it was Caspar. "I mean, she's a hot dancer, but why is she homeless?"

She heard Joe's voice reply, and she noticed he had a level of steely defensiveness she hadn't heard before, "Because she just moved from Australia, Casp. I told you earlier, she has a flat and two roommates, but it flooded last night."

"I just think it's weird," Caspar mumbled.

"Yeah, it is weird, especially since you just brought her in without running it by us," Oli chimed in, and Dianne felt her heart speed up with nerves.

"I know," Joe replied, suddenly sounding defeated. "But Zoe vouched for her, and we really could use the rent money while we find a more permanent roommate. I knew you guys wouldn't want a girl roommate, but we'r not really in the position to be picky, right? Plus I didn't say yes right away, that's why I brought her here to meet you guys first. You both could have vetoed...but you didn't."

"Like we were going to veto a gorgeous redhead with a body like tha--"

"Casp!" Joe interjected as Dianne felt her cheeks blush. "Jesus, is that all you think about?"

"Like you didn't consider how gorgeous she is when you brought her up here," Dianne could practically hear Caspar's eyes roll, "I know you've been single for...well since HER...but Joe, it's okay to admit you find our new roommate attractive."

"Nope," Joe replied instantly, his voice short. Dianne was surprised by the way her chest clenched at the simple word.

"Okay, Joe," Oli chuckled.

"I don't!" Joe exclaimed, suddenly sounding flustered. "Besides we have the No Nail Oath. You guys know this. We all signed it. We will not sleep with any women who live with us."

Dianne's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh yeah," Oli replied, his voice sounding wistful. "Especially after Amelia..."

"Oh can we not go down memory lane right now..." Joe whined, his voice trailing off as Dianne felt her curiosity grow.

"You're going to have to, Sugg," Caspar teased. "Because her wedding is next week. And you still don't have a date."

"Neither do you," Joe shot back, his voice rising.

"And Amelia also isn't my ex girlfriend," Caspar replied smugly. "So I don't really care."

The New GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora