[February] - Cabin Conundrums (2)

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Dianne felt like her head was spinning as she tried to keep up with this completely idiotic game her roommates had invented. Probably a mixture of the erratic "rules" and the red wine she'd been sipping all night. Although she had no idea what was going on, she had to admit - she was having a great time. Her heavy guilt over blowing up the electricity box up had also slowly begun to dissipate as she watched her roommates all begin to loosen up - all of them laughing hysterically as they climbed over furniture, drinking way too much alcohol, all while quoting British history.

"I still don't really understand wha--"

"You just pulled a Churchill!" Caspar screamed, as Dianne stood cluelessly in the middle of the room, watching as everyone found a piece of furniture to stand on.

"A what?!" she yelled, giggling uncontrollably.

"Along we go, into town," Oli screamed, leaping off the sofa to pick up Dianne and place her on the coffee table before hopping onto an arm chair.

"London Bridge is falling down!" Joe responded, leaping to join Dianne, a wide grin on his face as she reached out to instinctively steady him, her arms looping under his armpits to keep his balance on the tabletop.

"Across the Thames, we must go quicker!" Caspar belted, rowing through an imaginary river.

"WAIT!" Evie screamed, pointing toward Ambar who was stepping off the sofa, "Watch out for Jack the Ripper!"

"What the actual fu--"

"Ambar! You're dead! Jack the Ripper slit your throat!" Caspar dissolved into giggles as he watched his girlfriend stare at them all like they'd grown three heads.

"Nah, I think it was the Great Fire that killed her," Oli cocked his head to the side. "She's on the south side."

"Who cares, if I'm dead, I'm getting another beer," Ambar shrugged, disappearing into the kitchen.

"One, two, three, four," Joe yelled, his chest rumbling against Dianne's and she felt slightly dizzy by how close he was still standing. Or leaning, rather, as she continued to steady him as he swayed slightly on his feet, the alcohol clearly setting in.

"We declare a world war," Oli added, lifting his hand up to his forehead, along with everyone else. Except Joe and Dianne, who were now trying not to fall off the table as Joe swayed dangerously to the left.

Caspar giggled loudly, "You two are it."

"Huh?" Dianne questioned as she realized they all had fixed their stare on her and Joe. She had been clueless throughout the whole game, and apparently she had just missed yet another cue.

"You have to go to Buckingham Palace," Oli joined in with the giggles.

"And where is Buckingham Palace?" Dianne asked, glancing around the room to see what furniture had been untouched.

"You have to go to Buckingham Palace to KISS," Oli continued, his face red as he tried to hold in loud peals of laughter at Dianne's look of shock.

"No we don't," Joe's voice sounded over her shoulder, suddenly sounding sober.

"Yes you do!" Evie pointed, a teasing look in her eye. "Ol declared a world war. You didn't raise your weapon in time. You know the rules, Sugg! A kiss in the Queens room is the only way to end the war....because as the Beatles say..."

"ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!" Caspar and Oli shouted together.

"Alright, we'll go to stupid Buckingham Palace," Joe rolled his slightly unfocused eyes. "Where is it?"

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