[August] - Dates and DIY (2)

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"Why don't you just go out with us?" Oli whined loudly in the kitchen. "It can't be a double date if one half of the second couple doesn't show up!"

Joe let out a heavy sigh as he rummaged through the fridge, "Because I don't even know her."

"That's the point," Oli rolled his eyes. "You go on dates to get to know people."

"And that's why I don't like dates," Joe mumbled under his breath as he pulled the milk out and poured it over his cereal.

"Joe has a date?" Dianne interjected as she twirled into the kitchen, her trusty Strictly spandex on, Joe noticed as he forced himself to avert his eyes. Caspar did enough ogling for the three of them.

"No," he replied stonily. "I don't."

"Well he would if he could grow a pair," Oli rolled his eyes. "Evie has a friend...another model. Blonde...little...sort of exotic looking at the same time...exactly Joe's type."

"Excuse me," Joe scoffed, as he felt his cheeks heat up. "That is not my type!"

"Um, I think he just described Amelia," Dianne teased, brushing past him to grab her customary pre-packed lunch and granola bar. "So I think that is your type."

"I don't have a type," Joe grumbled, knowing his words were not backed by his actions. All the girls he'd dated...or sort-of dated...fit that description to a T.

"It's okay to have a type," Dianne grinned as she stuffed her things into her bag.

"Yeah, like mine is girls that are tall, gorgeous and named Evie" Oli wiggled his eyebrows. "And Dianne's is cheesy Spanish dancers."

Joe couldn't help but smirk as he watched Dianne's smile drop, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. It had been a few days since he'd surprised her in the dark after her date with Gorka. A few days since he'd been mulling over what she'd said, wondering where she stood after her seemingly confusing dinner.

And then a few days wondering why he cared so much.

"That's not really my--"

"Are we STILL talking about this stupid date?" Caspar groaned as he stumbled in from his bedroom, his eyes bleary with sleep. "Just go, Joe."

Joe watched as Dianne closed her mouth, still blushing as she continued to pack up her bag. She looked up briefly, connecting their eyes, before blushing harder and looking back down.

"Dianne had a date this week, you might as well have one too," Caspar continued, "Just leave poor old Caspar home alone."

"Why don't you go in my place?" Joe shot him a pointed look.

"Nope," Caspar grinned, popping the P. "I will have far too much fun watching you be tortured."

Joe groaned, knowing he was quickly losing this battle.

"Her name is Ambar," Oli spoke assuredly, "Evie said you'll really like her. Super nice...down to Earth..."

Joe half-listened to Oli's rambling as he watched Dianne quietly slink out the front door, raising his hand in a wave goodbye as she wiggled her fingers toward him quickly before latching it behind her.


Hours later, Joe was messing with the hair gel he reserved for special occasions, while trying to tamp down the nerves that had begun to swirl through his belly. He hated blind dates. Especially when they involved mutual friends. The list of people he would be okay going to a party with was dwindling fast thanks to the many failed dates Oli and Caspar had both tried to set him up on over the last few years.

The New Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें