[April] - The First Time

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Hey everyone! Pre-chapter note on this one - as you can probably tell from the title, this chapter deals with a topic that's a bit more "mature". It's nothing graphic or anything (you guys know me better than that!) but the entire chapter revolves around sex. I am putting this chapter in because 1. It fits with my very very loose tie to the TV show and 2. It feels fitting to include based on where our characters are in their "relationship", given that they're two adults, who already live together :) I tried to keep it quite PG, but just figured I'd give a warning!! Hope you enjoy!! 


Dianne stretched lazily overhead, reaching out with her left hand gently, anticipating the soft floppy hair she'd been running her fingers through as she had fallen asleep - though her lazy sleepy smile turned into a frown when her hand grasped cold sheets instead. 

Peering out of one eye, she took in her surroundings, surprised to see she was in her own bed. She could have sworn she had fallen asleep on the sofa...

As she let out a loud, dramatic yawn, stretching again overhead, she glanced at the alarm clock, scowling when she realized it was already 10am. She had really lost all of motivation after the Strictly tour...she'd definitely need to start training hard again for the Professionals tour next month. 

Rolling her eyes as she swung her legs over the side of the bed at how stiff her muscles had become, she internally reminded herself to curse Joe out for promoting such laziness. She'd been spending way too many evenings snuggled up on the sofa and eating chocolates. 


With an even deeper frown, she realized he was the reason she had ended up in bed alone, and not in his arms on the sofa. Ever since their tentative agreement in that little pub in Wiltshire, to take a slow and careful pace exploring their feelings, Joe had seemed to take the definition of "slowly" quite literally. 

It had been two weeks - two glorious weeks of dates, laughter and kisses. Though, Dianne thought with a wrinkle of her nose, never anything more. Even when she'd tried to initiate beyond a cheeky snog on the sofa, Joe had resisted and always dropped her off in her own room at the end of the evening, as if he was dropping her off after a date. Not that she was some teen with uncontrollable hormones, but at the same time she had never wanted to "more than kiss" anyone in her entire life, more than Joe Sugg. Or at the very least, she just wanted to wake up next to him.  

It was the way he held her - making her feel so safe and warm. And the way he listened when she talked...sometimes with hazy eyes as if he couldn't quite believe he was there with her - but he listened nonetheless, always able to answer her questions when she quizzed him afterwards. They just clicked...fitting together in so many different ways that it sort of made her head spin with how perfect it all felt. Giggling to herself as she pulled on one of his big hoodies she'd stolen, she inhaled his aftershave, thinking dreamily of the night before where they'd talked about their childhoods all evening, buried under a shared blanket on the sofa surrounded by candles. 

Annoyance at yet again waking up alone now fading, she twirled her way out of her room, nearly running into Evie who was tumbling out of Oli's room holding her head. 

"Oh Jesus," Evie squeaked as Dianne jumped out of the way, just in time to avoid a collision. "Sorry, Di."

Giggling, Dianne reached out to steady her friend who looked a bit worse for wear. 

"You okay, Eves?" she grinned, as Evie shot her a weak smile in return. "Too much to drink?"

"No," Evie moaned. "Oli's mattress is just ancient and awful and gives me a crick in my neck every damn morning."

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