[September] - Strictly Stranded

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"Oooh, it's the big day, isn't it?" Oli's question echoed across the large flat earlier in the morning than they were all usually up.

The boys were up for a meeting with their management company, and Dianne had been up with the sun thanks to the nerves that had settled in her stomach when she realized today was the first day of filming for Strictly - and the day she'd find out her new celebrity partner.

"It is," she nodded, focusing her attention back on her packed bag, making sure she didn't forget anything.

"Any idea who it will be?" Caspar asked, as he drummed on the countertop, watching with interest as Dianne considered which water bottle to bring.

"Not really," she shrugged, her eyes finally raising from her bag when she heard Joe shuffle into the room, his eyes half open, though he was dressed smartly in a button up white shirt and nice trousers.

She had lived in this flat for eight weeks...and the transformation in her relationships with each of her roommates was somewhat astonishing. Though she'd started her two months in their flat getting shot at by nerf bullets, Caspar and Oli had become two of her biggest fans, becoming more and more interested in the workings of Strictly, quizzing her on the other dancers and being genuinely interested in her life and career. Though Caspar still made inappropriate jokes at her expense constantly, she had actually come to enjoy his constant teasing, appreciating his stupid sense of humor, not to mention the constantly rising amount in the Douchebag Jar.

And Oli, who had remained the sweetest, yet most clueless roommate, had actually introduced her to one of her now newest and strongest friendships. His girlfriend Evie had come around more once she found out there was another girl in the house - allowing Dianne to have that female companion she so sorely needed, since the insane Strictly rehearsals didn't allow much time for her to hang out with her dancer friends.

But Joe. Joe was probably the biggest transformation, though Dianne thought with a small smile, in a way, nothing had changed. When she'd first met him on the street, thinking he was stealing her suitcase, there had been an underlying tension that still remained today two months later. Though, she had convinced herself it was rooted in their similar senses of humor, view of the world, and overall personality. Sometimes you butt heads with a person that similar to you...Joe was just that person.

She found herself craving their little spats though. She'd leave the fridge open sometimes just to see the tips of his ears turn red in frustration. She'd saunter into the bathroom when he was brushing his teeth to start a conversation, secretly thrilled at the way he'd roll his eyes and spit out the toothpaste before responding. Their late night sofa dozing had become a normal occurrence too. Though Joe had seemed embarrassed the first few times, jolting off as soon as he woke up, he had apparently come to terms with it, since the last few nights this week she'd had to practically drag him to his room, his floppy hair and sleepy eyes doing something weird to her heart as he leaned heavily against her when she'd shuffle him down the hall.

"You get your partner today!" Joe stifled a yawn, a genuine smile on his face as he finally opened those sleepy eyes to look at her as he sat down on a bar stool.

"Late to the party," Caspar snorted, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Do you know who it will be?" he unknowingly repeated Caspar's earlier question.

"Nope," Dianne grinned, as Caspar and Oli rolled their eyes. "No idea. Hopefully someone nice."

"And good," Caspar quirked up an eyebrow.

"Well, yes," Dianne mused, zipping up her bag, "But as long as they're nice, that's all that matters. I don't want to go to the end with a tyrant in the training room."

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