Many Years Later...

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"Are we really about to walk into this suburban household on yet another Friday night like it's not full of opulence and chaos?" Caspar whined as the group trudged up the stone path leading toward the charming home that was attached to a neat yard lined with daffodils.

"Opulence and chaos?" Dianne furrowed her eyebrows, "Those are big words, Casp."

"Don't listen to him," Ambar rolled her eyes, "He's just jealous."

"Feeling a little left out of the family home life Casp?" Joe asked with a smirk.

"Jealous? Of what?" Caspar scoffed. "A house full of screaming brats and a lawn that needs to be mowed? No thank you. I'm well happy in our old flat. I'd even be okay with a townhouse like you tossers have. But this? NOPE."

"Hey watch your mouth," Joe teased his friend as he placed his hands over the ears of the small body skipping along in front of him. "A brat is present."

"Mummy what's brat mean? And toss...tosser?" the singsong voice that had a slight twinge of an Australian accent to it echoed out into the evening air.

Joe felt Dianne punch him in the arm before she leaned down to brush her lips against the mousy brown hair that was beginning to come out of it's neat double plait.

"Don't worry baby, Daddy and Uncle Caspar are just talking shi...I mean, nonsense," she caught herself quickly, shooting Joe a glare as he began to chuckle under his breath.

"Can you carry me, Daddy?" the sweet voice was now directed up toward him, the big brown eyes blinking innocently in his direction that were so reminiscent of the woman at his side, Joe couldn't help but melt.

"Alright munchkin, up you go," he hoisted the little girl onto his hip, knowing her ripe age of three and a half was plenty old enough to walk up the path to her Uncle Oli's house - but he had to admit - it was a long old path.

"Ambar, pick me up," Caspar mimicked the little girl, as he wrapped his arms around the blonde's shoulders, leaning all his weight into her.

"Millie, your Uncle Caspar doesn't realize he's too big for me to carry, does he?" Ambar huffed as she pushed Caspar off of her.

"Uncle Caspar, you are TOO HEAVY," the little girl giggled loudly, her small arm wrapped around Joe's neck and squeezing him tightly. Joe couldn't help but grin as they approached the bright red door, adorned with a big flowery wreath.

"Damn, Evie has her shit together," Dianne mumbled under her breath as she eyed the decor.

"Mummy BAD WORD," Millie shouted into Joe's ear.

"Yeah, Mummy," Joe smirked, holding his hand out.

"What?" Dianne stared warily at his hand.

"You owe the jar," Millie stated simply. Dianne noticed her facial expression was all too similar to her father's.

"But the swear jar isn't here," Dianne replied sweetly, slapping Joe's palm.

"You owe Daddy then," Millie replied solemnly.

"Yeah you owe Daddy," Caspar repeated, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Jar," Dianne and Joe replied simultaneously without even turning to look at him.

"But Uncle Caspar didn't say a bad word?" Millie asked, thoroughly confused.

"Different jar, munchkin," Joe muttered, reaching up to knock on the door, effectively putting a stop to the dangerous line of conversation that was about to unfold.

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