[June] - Visits from Oz (2)

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Joe could practically feel his heart beating out of his chest as he cautiously checked the hallway for Mark - who of course, was nowhere to be seen. Pressing the lift button, he shoved his now sweaty palms into his pockets, trying to prepare the words he was going to say once he finally tracked down his girlfriend's father.

Was this a terrible idea? He had just met the man an hour before. He had no idea how angry he was - what if Mark just wound up and popped him right in the nose?! All he could see though, when he closed his eyes, was Dianne's tears streaming down her cheeks. And in that moment, he knew if he didn't at least attempt to have a conversation with the man who's actions had caused them, he would regret it.

He could tell from just the short amount of time he'd observed the Buswells, that they were a tight knit family. He knew Mark didn't intentionally mean to hurt Dianne - and though he did feel a bit like he was inserting himself into a family issue, he knew it was because he was the root of the problem - bottom line. Hiding away and pretending it didn't exist would only prolong it.

Exiting the lift, he headed to the front of the building, quickly scanning the sidewalk, knowing Mark couldn't have gotten far. His eyes eventually landed on a familiar figure across the road, leaned up against a lamp post, staring stock still at the river ahead of him. Before Joe could even realize what he was doing, his feet had taken him across the crosswalk, stopping a safe distance away, but close enough he knew Mark would hear him speak.

"Er, Mark?" he asked hesitantly, internally cursing the way his voice cracked. Should he have called him Mr. Buswell?

"That didn't take you very long at all," Mark replied, catching Joe off guard as he casually gazed down at his watch.

Joe stared, wondering how he was supposed to respond to that. Had this all been some sort of weird test?

"I...er...just wanted to make sure you were...okay?" Joe phrased it almost like a question, again cursing his awkwardness.

Mark sighed, continuing to gaze out over the river before nodding slowly, "You know, Joe...it's hard to be a Dad."

Joe swallowed thickly, unsure where this conversation was going, but knowing Mark had more to say, he remained quiet.

"It's hard because you have to give up a lot of yourself to ensure your kids grow into successful, well mannered, adults," Mark smiled off into the distance. "But then suddenly, it's even harder when they don't need you anymore."

Mark paused, before finally turning to face Joe, that wistful smile still on his face now turning into a frown.

"She's crying up there, isn't she?"

Joe blinked, before he nodded, scratching his neck.

"It's all over your face," Mark shook his head, sighing. "Rina always tells me to think before I act...still haven't learned, even after 40 years."

Joe felt his lips turn up into a small smile - it sounded like advice Rina had given another Buswell, too.

"I'll go back up and talk to her," Mark confirmed, though he made no move to walk away.

"You know," Joe started slowly, when the silence became too much to bear, "I really do care about Dianne. You don't have to worry about me being like...well, like the other guys."

Mark furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't. I mean, I'm not. Worried, that is."

"Oh," Joe stammered, taken by surprise. "I just thought--"

"Thought that I stormed out in a rage because you were dating my daughter?" Mark let out a low chuckle. "Thought you were the problem?"

"Well, yeah," Joe replied, still mystified about what was happening. "You're angry aren't you? Or disappointed? I get it, I'm just a guy who makes weird videos on the Internet--"

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