[September] - Birthday Bitterness (2)

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"Place looks the same," Andy's voice was casual, as he peered through the doorway, as Joe was still stood frozen in place blocking his entry. 

Joe could hardly believe he was here - of course, they'd invited him the same as every celebrity on the show - but part of him had thought Dianne was right. Andy attending a party hosted by his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend sounded so far fetched, Joe had convinced himself it was unlikely that the actor would show his face. 

But here he was. With the same infuriatingly confident expression on his face. Joe couldn't help but think of all the things he wanted to say out loud to him - none of them very kind - but instead he swallowed the bitter words on the tip of his tongue and forced himself to take a step backwards to allow him to enter the flat. 

"Really appreciate the invite," Andy spoke again, and Joe couldn't quite tell if it was still casual or carefully veiled sarcasm. 

"Of course," Joe cleared his throat. "Glad you're here. Wouldn't be a Strictly launch party without the entire cast."

Joe felt a bit of sick satisfaction at how Andy stiffened, clearly expecting a dig of some kind and caught off guard by Joe's kindness. 

"Can I take your coat?" Joe asked politely, noticing the actor had a heavy leather coat on. He watched as Andy shot him a suspicious look before shrugging it off and tossing it his way. 

"If you need it later and can't find me, it will be in our spare bedroom. You know the one Dianne stayed in before she moved into mine," Joe spoke over his shoulder as he strolled down the hall, unable to resist the smirk on his face as he caught of glimpse of Andy's glare in the hall mirror. 

One point to Suggy.


The night continued that way - a series of battles in a silent competition Joe had waged on the man as soon as he stepped foot in their flat.

Andy received a point for laughing loudly about their foosball table in place of a dining room table, causing a large crowd of pro dancers to join in the light teasing as Joe walked by.

Joe won back the upper hand a few minutes later when Dianne chose to laugh loudly at one of his jokes, exclaiming to all her friends just how hilarious her boyfriend was.

Though he knew he was acting like a teenager - competing for his own girlfriend's affections which he clearly already had - he couldn't help but feel this weird sense of competition. Sure, Andy was Dianne's ex - she made it quite clear she didn't like him or even enjoy his company. And yet - Andy was on Strictly. He had access to Dianne in a way Joe never would, and in some small, weird way, that hurt.

As the drinks flowed and the music was turned up, Joe realized he'd never been more grateful to allow a bunch of strangers into their flat - because so far, the large groups of chattering pros and celebrities intermixed with his own friends and family had kept Andy and Dianne separated.

But, Joe couldn't help but notice the way Andy's eyes occasionally drifted around the flat, looking for the flash of familiar red hair. Joe knew this, because he was doing the exact same thing. Even mid-conversation, he had one eye on his friends and one on Dianne. 

"She's fine, Joe," Byron smirked, lifting his beer to his mouth to take a giant swig. 

"Hm?" Joe asked, distracted by internally measuring the distance between Dianne and Andy, who had somehow drifted about a meter closer to the kitchen in what looked like a boring conversation with Dr. Ranj and Janette. 

"Dianne," Byron repeated, nudging Joe's arm. "She's fine."

"Yeah, I know," Joe sighed, turning his attention back to his friend. "Sorry, mate. It's just...a weird night."

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