[July] - The Wedding (2)

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Joe could feel his pulse beat irregularly under his white buttoned shirt. Every brush of Dianne's fingers against his arm spawned another new palpitation and Joe thought at this rate he might not actually make it out of the lift without suffering from cardiac arrest.

She was beautiful. Even when she was elbowing him on the sidewalk at first meeting, sleepily sipping her coffee with wild hair in the early mornings or teasing him over his old man tendencies with that dangerous glint in her eye. He had only known her one week - but he wasn't blind. She was gorgeous. But this...this version of Dianne that had slowly turned around in their kitchen with her bright red hair cascading down her back, her light brown doe eyes suddenly seeming even larger than normal framed with black liner, and that dress...that damn dress...this Dianne was doing something to him that he hadn't expected.

Yet, as he forced his eyes to look away from her angelic appearance, he realized it wasn't the makeup and the hair or the dress. It wasn't that weird sizzle between them when their eyes had connected. It wasn't even the way her hips moved when she walked in those high heels. He knew none of that was responsible for pushing him toward the heart attack he was sure he was in the midst of.

It was her arm, looped in his. Just the way Amelia used to. Though her grip was softer and her nails less pointy...it was jogging his memory just a bit too clearly.

His thoughts seemed to be bouncing around as quickly as his heart was and before he could control his voice, as the lift doors opened, he heard himself blurt out the words he had been trying to hold in since he'd first felt her soft touch.

"Can we...not walk like this?"

He felt his heart clench at the hurt that flashed through Dianne's eyes as she glanced down at her arm that was still looped through his. He hadn't meant to insult her. The poor girl was already being forced to attend a wedding with virtual strangers, and she probably just needed to balance in those heels. He suddenly felt the need to take back his words.

"Wait," he mumbled, grasping her hand as she yanked her arm out from the crook of his elbow, "That's not what I meant..."

Dianne tugged her hand, attempting to loosen his grip but he held on tight.

"It's just...that's the way she...Amelia. It's the way she used to hold..." Joe trailed off, feeling his cheeks heat up.

Dianne's eyes, that had remained full of hurt, suddenly narrowed, "Yeah, Caspar told me she did, that's why I--"

"But I never liked it," Joe interjected, grimacing. "She used to parade me around at her fancy work functions, standing like this...introducing me, never failing to mention what I do for a living, like we were some influential power couple."

"Oh," Dianne spoke softly, her eyes widening with sudden sympathy at the bite behind his words, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You didn't," Joe shook his head, "Not really. Just triggered some memories..."

Dianne nodded, before blinking up at him, "Are you sure you want to go to this wedding? We can totally play hooky."

Joe let out a deep sigh. It was a question he'd been debating since he'd let Caspar talk him into this insane plan. And though it was tempting - to turn and run back into the flat and hide until the next day - he knew that he'd have to face Amelia sooner or later. And it would be glaringly obvious if he didn't show up. It would make it seem like he was jealous of her new husband...or worse, still pining after her.

"I have to go," he finally spoke, not failing to notice the way Dianne's shoulders deflated, reminding him of her discomfort as well. They were in this together.

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