[March] - Family Infiltration (1)

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"What if we just...drive down to Wiltshire?" Dianne blurted out as she lounged on the sofa for what felt like the hundredth day in a row.

"No way," Oli shook his head, "Joe would kill us."

"Yeah, he's super protective of his family," Caspar added, as he threw a ball against the wall, letting it bounce back to him. "Never wants to cross business and personal."

"But we're not business!" Dianne exclaimed. "We're his...friends!"

She ignored the smirk Caspar shot her way as she hesitated over the last word. "Friend" wasn't really the proper definition of what Joe and Dianne were now. Other words like "complicated" and "weird" now seemed to fill that gap. Only getting more complicated and more weird as the days passed.

Joe had left to be with his family two weeks ago - she'd hugged him tightly on the train platform, he'd kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her hand, and then he was gone. Off to Wiltshire where she'd only been able to have short, stilted phone conversations with him ever since. They'd left without discussing what was going on between them - yet again - and it was driving her absolutely nutty.

However, the worry over him and what was going on with his family was beginning to outweigh her annoyance, and she'd spent the last 14 days wallowing around like a lost puppy, not sure what to do.

"Come on," she groaned, "We have to do something."

"Like what?" Caspar rolled his eyes. "Joe is helping his family, the best thing we can do is stay out of his way until he can come home."

"But why isn't he home yet?" Dianne asked, her brows furrowing in thought. "He said his granddad was out of the hospital last week."

Oli shrugged, "Probably just helping his mum and nan get adjusted. They're really close, you know. Ever since his parents got divorced, Joe has sort of taken on a caretaker role with that side of the family."

"Yeah, he's really great at making time to see them," Caspar nodded. "Anytime his mum or nan or sister need anything, he's there. He would never leave before knowing they're absolutely 100% okay."

"That's sweet of him," Dianne murmured, as she played with a loose thread on the sofa.

"So you'll let this go, and let him come back when he's ready?" Caspar raised his eyebrows.

Dianne sat there, stewing in her own frustration. On one hand - she saw Caspar's point. On the other - she felt like she was going to die a slow death if she didn't get to hug him soon.

Or kiss him...

Shutting up her internal monologue she suddenly sat upright on the sofa, with a new determination.

"No, I don't think I can let this go," she announced, ignoring the way Caspar and Oli groaned in unison. "If Joe is the one taking care of his family, that means nobody is taking care of him!"


"No, Casp, don't talk me out of this," she raised her finger. "Pack a bag. We are going to Wiltshire. Joe needs us right now...he'll be so happy to see us, I just know it."


"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Joe hissed, as he peered out the crack in the door of the large countryside home Joe, Oli and Caspar had just pulled up in front of.

Dianne's wide smile faltered just the slightest bit, but she forced herself to keep a cheery tone of voice.

"We came to see you!" she replied brightly. "And help out a bit! Expert dish washers, bed makers, and breakfast cooks - at your service!"

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