[August] - Dates and DIY (1)

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"I will never get over the fact that we're living with a Strictly pro," Caspar whistled in appreciation as Dianne exited her room ready to head out to her second week of rehearsals. "That wears spandex every. single. day."

"Jar," Dianne responded without even looking up from her phone, pointing blindly toward the "Douchebag Jar" that had moved from its spot on the coffee table to the kitchen counter.

Caspar groaned, "That was a compliment, not a douchebag comment."

"Jar," she repeated, smirking at his pout as he dragged himself off the sofa to deposit a dollar bill into the slot.

Dianne couldn't help but think back to what it was like a month ago when she'd first moved in with these three boys...well, men, but based on the way they acted 99% of the time, boys was a more fitting description. They were such unique characters, that she hadn't been sure she could ever slot into their world. Yet here she was...five weeks under the same roof, one chaotic wedding, and three blooming friendships later...she oddly felt more at home than she had ever expected.

"Joe, was that not the nicest compliment I could have said? I told Red her arse looks good in spandex," Caspar whined toward Joe who was propped up against the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal in his hands as he watched the entire exchange with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, really nice," he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Nobody here appreciates my compliments," Caspar grumbled, sitting down on a bar stool and spinning in place.

"I'll see you guys later," Dianne spoke as she shoved a granola bar and water bottle into her bag.

"Wait," Joe interjected, grabbing her elbow to prevent her from leaving. "Aren't you going to be hungry?"

"Huh?" Dianne asked, confused.

"Your rehearsals go all day and all you're taking is a granola bar," Joe nodded down toward her bag, surprising Dianne who hadn't realized he had even been paying attention.

"Er, yeah, this is my breakfast," Dianne smiled as a lock of hair flopped over his blue eyes. "I'm going out to lunch today during our break."

"With who?" Joe and Caspar asked simultaneously.

"Not Luba," Dianne rolled her eyes, though she noticed Joe's inquiring look remained as Caspar groaned in disappointment and retreated back to the sofa.

"Just another dancer," she added hastily as Joe continued to stare at her, prompting her to keep talking. "An old friend...he and I used to dance together on the cruise ships."

She could feel herself blush as Joe's eyes widened in surprise. She wasn't sure why she felt self conscious. She certainly didn't owe him any explanation but for some reason she had felt the need to keep talking. Anything to get him to stop staring at her so intensely.

"He...I mean...you...you danced on cruise ships?" Joe managed to choke out, as he placed his cereal bowl on the counter.

Dianne nodded, biting her tongue as she shoved the rest of her stuff in her bag, knowing Joe had more to ask her, and she had even less she wanted to say back.

"Okay...bye! See you tonight!" she screwed on a bright smile and waved at the two men who were now staring at her, as she headed toward the door.



Dianne heard the familiar voice at the end of the morning rehearsal before she saw the dark, tanned Spaniard who was now making his way across the dance floor, a boyish smile on his face as he wiped sweat off his brow.

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