Part 2

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When morning came, Ranbir felt overwhelmed. He was super excited to ask Deepika to join him. You know it was only, to prove her she was not an unknown person to him anymore. He had felt such guilt not to know her. That had to be the reason of all those mixed feelings about her. He needed to prove her that she meant something in this office.

He got up, had his usual shower and cooked breakfast when he got a call. It was his father. He literally had no other choice but to answer. He picked it up while cooking his eggs.
"Hello Pa" he said.
"Hi Ranbir. I was calling to tell you that your cousin Rahul is getting married in two months. He told me to tell you that you were invited and that you can bring a plus one" Pa said, hoping to finally meet the future Mrs Kapoor, who his son had talked about last time he saw them.
"Huh, y-yeah why not" Ranbir replied. He was screwed. Last time he saw his parents was three months ago and, to escape any arranged marriage they might've planned, he'd pretended that he was in a serious relationship with some women from Mumbai. That was a pure lie but it was coming back to him now.
"Okay, see you in two months then" Said Pa happily before hanging up.

Ranbir took his eggs off the pan and put them in his plate. How come was he supposed to find some women to go to the wedding with in two months? He sighed and began eating.

Deepika woke up happily that morning, she was feeling good and she was pretty sure it was going to be a great day. She got up, had a breakfast, got in the shower and then got dressed. She put her glasses on. She wasn't completely blind without them but she still saw better with them. She then left her little flat and walked to the bus stop at the end of the street.
When she arrived at work, she lowed her head down. She didn't know why but she always did that. She felt intimidated by her colleagues. They were all so confident and powerful while she, well she was just the little Deepika.

She sat infront of her desk and sighed. She took the new files she'd got and she started working on it. 20 minutes later, she heard footsteps in front of her door. Deepika frowned. Was somebody trying to play a joke on her? She was really insecure about that. She walked to her door, shaking slightly. She opened it really quick and jumped. It was Ranbir.. and it looked  like he was about to knock.
"Oh, it's you. Hi" she smiled to him, letting her dimples appear.

"Hey Deepika" said Ranbir, smiling back to her. Her smile really did light up a room.
"I needed to talk to you about something" he added.
Deepika frowned.
"About work" he said softly.

"Of course, come in" said Deepika, smiling slightly. She was kind of confused. He didn't know that she existed a week ago and now he wanted to talk about work. That was not good. Maybe this time she was really going to get fired. She would be forced to go to Chennai, not having the work excuse anymore and she would spend her life with a man she could never love.

Ranbir walked in and sat on one of the chairs. "Do you want anything? Water?" She asked politely. Ranbir shook his head gently
"I'm good thanks" he answered
Deepika sat in front of him, awkwardly. She felt so tense and so scared now.

"Deepika, would you like to come with me in Delhi to work on a case?" Ranbir asked. He was so nervous, he could barely say it from how strongly his heart was beating and how little air his lungs could take in. What if she said no? What if she felt offended?

Deepika sighed in relief. She took two seconds to take her breath back and to realize what he'd just asked her. Finally, she smiled widely.
"Yeah, I would be honored." She said shyly
Ranbir smiled back at her.
"Okay, I will send you all of the informations by mail. I gotta go now, bye" he said.

Ranbir walked out and as soon as he closed the door, he bit his lip and smiled. She had said yes!! He was going to spend a week in Delhi with Deepika, and then it was all going to feel better for him, right? His guilt would finally leave!

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