Part 10

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Hello everyone!! Enjoy this chapter!! I love you all a loooot !! 💛💛 give a review!!
4 days left :

Sangeet day. Deepika woke up in a jump before realizing where she was. Well fuck it. She surely did not want to be where she was. She let her head rest on the pillow once again. She was mad at the world and especially at her parents for forcing things for her. She did not need to get married. Not that she didn't want to, but not with Rahul.

Ranbir woke up next to her still sleeping friend Katrina. He sighed softly and got out of bed. He did not like the idea of sleeping with her but his parents wanted to make sure they felt like home and that meant 'in a relationship with each other' for them.
There was a little restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel where the wedding was taking place and Ranbir decided he would go get breakfast there.

He got there and sat down on a table, he was about to order when he saw someone on the opposite table that was eating alone and looked quite familiar. He decided it was a good occasion to make new friends. He smiled and joined the young lady on her table.
"Hi! Can I sit with you?" Ranbir asked with a smile on his face.
"Sure, come and sit. Are you here for the wedding?" The girl asked with a dimple smile which warmed Ranbir's heart. It felt familiar somehow which confused him. He sat next to her.

"Yes, huh, I'm Ranbir. Rahul's cousin and Deepika's- colleague and friend. What about you?" Ranbir asked
"My name is Anisha, Deepika's sister" she smiled
"Ohhhh that's why you look familiar!" Ranbir giggled. She was her sister.
Anisha smiled "Probably. Isn't it exciting that she is getting married?"
"yeah.. very exciting" Ranbir said trying to sound enthusiat
"She is the best sister in the world you know, she really didn't have to but she knew I wanted to study law and it's too expensive for our family. When Rahul proposed to marry Deepika she immediately accepted so that we would have enough money for my studies.. I just hope she will be happy. But as kind as you are, I don't doubt your cousin will take care of my sis." Anisha smiled, a guilty look in her eyes.

Ranbir couldn't believe his ears. He knew she didn't really want to and he knew she had her reasons but to hear them made Ranbir feel even worse about being so pessimist about it. Deepika would always put her family first, even before her own person. Which really sucked. And even though he should have taken his distance at this point but he couldn't help falling a little more in love with her.
Anisha smiled and the waitress came to them to take their order.

Deepika was annoyed this morning. She decided she might as well go and get a breakfast downstairs. She texted her sister who ate there every morning since they arrived which amused Deepika a lot.

FROM: Deepu 💘
TO: Anisha ❤️❤️
Hey, are you having breakfast at the restaurant?

Anisha looked at her phone as it vibrated on the table.
"Well! Speaking of the devil, it's Deepika" she laughed.
Ranbir smiled at the mention of her name and looked down, letting her check her texts.

FROM: Anisha ❤️❤️
TO: Deepu 💘
Yes!! A friend of yours is actually eating with me! Wanna join? ;)

FROM: Deepu 💘
TO: Anisha ❤️❤️
Sure, who is it?

FROM: Anisha ❤️❤️
TO: Deepu 💘
You'll see sissy 🥰🥰

Anisha giggled at her own text and put her phone back on the table. She absolutely LOVED messing with Deepika. She smiled and got back to her conversation with Ranbir.

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