Part 7

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Hello guess who's back again!! (It's me)
I hope you enjoy this chapter💛💛 I'm trying to update as soon as possible!!
Please give me a little review as you read so that I can see what is great and what I should change 😘😘 Much love!!

28 days left:

Deepika arrived to the office, she was pretty overwhelmed these days, planning the wedding with her family. She wanted it to be great, if she wasn't going to enjoy her marriage, she could at least have a bomb wedding.
She didn't stop getting e-mails from her friends and family members, comfirming that they would be there and still no answers from Ranbir.

She had taken two days off from her work, so that she could settle down and get some stuff ready with the wedding planner.
They chose the DJs, photographers, florists, and also began making the table plans, to make sure everyone has a seat and is with who they would get along the most with.

As she walked inside the building that morning, she was far from imagining that ANYTHING could break her super good mood. She had had a good 8-hours sleep and she was kind of happy that almost everything was ready now. But as she arrived at her door, she took the letters in her mailbox and found her own invitation, already opened. She frowned and walked in to see what was going on.

She put all of her things aside, she sat on her chair and opened the envelope, to find her invitation card an a little note folded in four.
She opened that note and she could've sworn her heart skipped a beat.

' Dear Deepika,
I got your invitation and I want to thank you very much for inviting me to be a part of what will be the most beautiful week of your life.
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend it, as my cousin is getting married that week. Remember? The wedding I have to find a girlfriend for. Lol.
Have a beautful wedding and a wonderful married life anyway!
  My respects,

Deepika didn't really know how to react to this.
She could feel her eyes watering slightly. It was fine. She didn't actually care about him coming at all anyway. She just invited him so that he could feel that he was her friend. It's not like she was expecting him to drop his cousin's wedding just so that he could attend hers. Plus she wasn't so sure that she could get married if he was there. That was a good thing. Right?

Now nevermind, Ranbir was the past and she needed to concentrate on herself now. Her carreer was growing, slowly but effectively and she was getting married with a rich and handsome (from what she had heard from her mother) man soon.
She definitely needed to move on and stop worrying. He probably didn't care that much about her anyway. He was always super busy, and a real work-a-holic. He was just a friend. She needed to begin considering him only like that.

19 days left:

Ranbir felt miserable. In 14 days he would be flying to his cousin's wedding. He had asked his friend Katrina to accompany him. He knew that girl could act and they had been friends since he moved to Mumbai. That was a good plan.

Deepika, on her side was beginning to feel kind of nervous and questionning her own judgment. What was she even doing? Was it compulsive? Maybe she didn't think about it enough. Marriage is for life. But who was she kidding, it's not like it was her choice. It was ARRANGED so that her family would have enough money to send her sister Anisha to college.
Plus she could not stop thinking about Ranbir. She would tell things to Kalki like "don't worry, I moved on" and then go to sleep that night with tears all over her face from how bad she was hurting.

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