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Hey everyone, to finish this story, i decided to give you a little epilogue ☀️
i hope you enjoy it!
much love always

Deepika woke up to cold feet on her back. Her nightmare. Her eyes opened in a flashlight and she immediately moved. She was already cold but not the feet on her back wow.
She turned to see her daughter, sleeping in her dad's arms. She frowned and sighed, shaking her head. She got out of her bed and grabbed Ranbir's hoodie on the floor, putting it on naturally.

Ranbir woke up around 30 minutes later, smelling pancakes. He let his little girl sleep. Today was her birthday and they had organized a party for it. She had been so excited to see her cousins that she had had a hard time falling asleep last night, so much that Ranbir finally gave up on putting her to bed and took her to sleep with them. But when he had entered the room, Deepika had already fallen asleep.

He got up and hurried himself in the kitchen, to see the light of his life. There she was, cooking pancakes for breakfast in the kitchen of their Mumbai's flat. Her face enlighted as she saw Ranbir and a huge smile appeared on her face.
Ranbir loved it, living with Deepika was worth all the pain he had had to go through three years ago. Waking up to her face, her smell everywhere, and even her 'moody moments' were so pleasant. He just couldn't get enough of her, even after 3 years.

"Good morning babyyyy" Deepika smiled at him widely. She was so excited to see her friends and family today to celebrate Naya's second birthday.
Ranbir hugged her by behind and kissed her cheeks softly. He then whispered in her ears
"Good morning lovely".
Deepika giggled.
"I made you pancakes.. well there are also some for me and a little bit for Naya, but only if she finishes her baby bottle this time" Deepika said.
"Alright, I will make sure she finishes it."

Ranbir giggled and took three plates in the cupboard. He quickly set the table before going back to his bedroom to wake Naya up.

"Goodmorning little sunshine" he whispered in the little girl's ear.
She finally opened her eyes, looking at her dad with a huge smile, that revealed her little dimples (yeah.. the genes you know)
"Naya biday today!" she said in some gibberish, which both Ranbir and Deepika found absolutely adorable.
"Yes it is! Happy birthday! And who are we going to see today?" Ranbir asked her.
"Kabi Priti!!" She said even more excitedly. Ranbir giggled.
"Yes, Kabir, Priti.. and also your other cousins!" He kissed her cheek and carried her to the living room, sitting her on the baby chair.

"Good morning munchkin" Deepika smiled at her little girl, waving hello to her from the other side of the kitchen counter. Naya waved back a huge smile on her face.
"Happy birthday my baby" she smiled at her daughter, finishing the pancakes. She then set them on the table while Ranbir was busy warming the baby bottle.

The afternoon quickly came and it was time to go to the party. They had booked a small reception room in Mumbai for the occasion and a lot of their family members and friends were coming.
Naya fell asleep during the car ride even though the music was on and both of her parents were getting carried away with it, singing it as if they were in a movie. A very bad movie with very low budget singers.
"CHANNA MEREYA MEREYAAAA BELIYAAAAAA..." they were singing together, being over dramatic in their gestures, waiting for the traffic lights to turn green and laughing like children. When the lights turned green, they stopped gesturing, but certainly not singing.
Which is why, arriving at the reception room, they were very surprised to see their little girl asleep.

In their car, on their way to the birthday party, Aditya and Kalki were exhausted. They had spent a very bad night. The thing is that, when they heard they were expecting not one, but two babies, they didn't think it would be that hard. Kabir and Priti could be angels but whenever they were together, they were the bestest of friends, which caused constant noise and mess all around the house. But the worst were the nights, especially during the weekend. The twins would always find a way to keep on playing, until super late at night sometimes. Which caused Aditya and Kalki to stay awake and which was the reason they felt exhausted today.

The twins were a little older than Naya, they had celebrated their second birthday around 4 months before. But they loved spending time with her and they were beyond thrilled about that party.

When they arrived, they were greeted by Deepika and Ranbir, and they realized that they probably were the last ones. There were a lot of people. From there, Kalki could see colleagues from the office, Deepika's sister,.. much more!

Anisha and Siddhart were playing with their niece, who's only interest were the twins yet to arrive to her party. Ram (alia's 4 years old son) was already there, but he was busy playing with some other kids from the office.
"Aunt Ani, babu in belly" Naya giggled, in a teasing way that was SO Ranbir. Yet she was right, the 6 months pregnant Anisha had a baby in her belly.
"Is that a problem?" She raised her eyebrow before tickling her niece.
Naya was laughing so hard that everybody could ear it.

it was time for the birthday cake, everybody was around the table and looked at little Naya, singing
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Naya, happy birthday to youuuuuu!"
Naya's smile was huge, and her dimples were adorable! People took some pictures of her and Ranbir and Naya were looking at her with pride and love, as always.

Neetu and Rishi were the proudest grandparents to Naya. She was the apple of their eyes and if Ranbir did not know that his parents loved him, he would wonder if they only ever talked to him so that they could see the little girl.

If she would have been told 4 years ago, that she would be there today, celebrating her daughter's second birthday, married with Ranbir Kapoor, living in a beautiful flat in Mumbai and being the happiest woman of India, shy Deepika, her glasses firmly on her nose would have laughed to your face, before sadly looking down on the papers on her desk.
But there she was. And if she was really being honest, she didn't even know how come such things have been possible for her, and how come Ranbir ever even liked her but she was not to complain.

He had become her best friend and he probably had always been her soulmate. She was certain of it.
Even though their work would keep them very busy most of the times, they really enjoyed each other company and however the day had turned out, they just were happy to come home to each other.
Deepika had been promoted and now she was drawing plans of much bigger things that she had been before. She had come to encounter with mister Rohan again once or twice (remember, the waterpark guy?) but Ranbir would always be there to remind him that she was his. And he was hers.

"Nobody has ever made me feel this way, except you." Ranbir had told her many times. It was the same for her, she loved him truly. And she knew that kind of love was forever

The end... for now ;)

There we are! I declare this ficlet officially finished!! Yayyyy! Did you like it?
I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope to write another one very soon.
Leave a little overall review on the entire story so that the next one can be a better experience for you!
I love you all sm!! ✨🥰💖💞💗💘

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