Part 9

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Hi friends!! How are you? 🥰
New part because I love it!!
I hope you're enjoying this story so far!! I'm having a blast writing it for you guys💛💛
5 days left:

As Deepika had excused herself to go to the bathroom, Ranbir that couldn't handle no more escaped to his bedroom.

He was planning on simulating a work emergency and running away. Deepika being the bride was NOT the plan he was going with.
He loved his cousin of course and he didn't really want to miss his wedding. But a thing he could definitely not do either was watching him take away the only thing keeping him alive.

Katrina entered the bedroom at this exact moment.
"What are you doing" she asked sternly
"Leaving." He replied simply
"You can't do that" she said
"Yes I can, and I have to."
"Ranbir, you don't seem to realize" she said softly
"Realize what?! Katrina it's just useless. I don't give a damn about some stupid wedding and seven lives long link." Ranbir said angrily.

"Come on Ranbir, it has nothing to do with that. Your feelings won't just go away. All that you will get by leaving is a lifetime of pain and of wondering what if you'd just told her. Don't waste your life and just tell her. Maybe it won't lead anywhere but at least you would be able to move on with your life." Katrina said, in the most honest way possible.

Ranbir sighed. He knew she was right but at the same time, he just couldn't spoil the day. He made a decision. He would tell her, but she wouldn't know it was him. He would write an anonymous letter and pass it under her door in the morning. That was a good plan.

Deepika was not feeling good as the welcome dinner came to an end. She said goodnight and went up to her room. She was alone there. Her family had a suite on another floor and she had her own suite there. As she walked in, Kalki was already there, laid on the couch, a glass of wine in her hands as if she owned this place.

"Hi Kalki" she said softly, a little sad smile on her face.
Kalki turned her face from the TV to Deepika
"Hey babe, feeling better?" Kalki asked. She had to admit she was still quite confused avout what her friend had said in the bathroom but she's assumed it was the nerves and the fact that she was tired.

"Yeah, I will go to sleep now" Deepika said and walked to the bathroom. She quickly got changed and got into her bed.
Kalki frowned, her friend really was not in her normal state, which kind of freaked her out but at the same time, how could she act normal when she literally was about to get married. Kalki assumed that was the reaction to the nerve of it..
Suddenly, Kalki's phone went off. It was Aditya.

"Hi pretty girl" Adi said in a flirty way, he always was this way with Kalki and she found it so adorable and cute.
"Hello handsome, what's up?" She smiled saying that
"Kalki there is something wrong, Deepika can't marry that guy have you seen him? She's so soft and sweet and he's all outgoing and macho"
Kalki couldn't believe her ears
"Aditya, this is arranged, of course they aren't made to be together but they will adapt and they already seem to get along. Both Rahul and Deepika looked so happy tonight and even the families seem to get along so well"
"Deepika was literally crying in the bathroom"
"So what? She is a little nervous that's normal"
"You really haven't noticed? That's crazy, man. I thought women were the champions in seeing those things" aditya sighed
"OMG IS DEEPIKA PREGNANT?" Kalki almost screamed on the phone
"What- no No!" Aditya began
"Come on Kalki, who is here that shouldn't have been? Who was looking at her with puppy eyes all dinner? Who made her lose all focus Kalki??" Aditya tried to make it highlight
Kalki's eyes opened widely at the realization
"Oh my God she is in love with Ranbir"
"What do we do now?? We can't do anything? Omg she had sworn to me she had moved on and that it was just a little crush"
"We have to make them realize they can't let each other go, we can't do it for them"

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