Part 4

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Hellooo here I am again!! Have fun reading this part and please give feedback! I love hearing what you think of it! Take care! 💞
Ranbir grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, kissing her cheeks, her lips and slowly driving to her neck. Her scent was driving him totally nuts.
He could here her breath getting louder as his lips met her collarbone. He felt her arms holding him stronger as her continued his soft kisses.
He did those things with so many women every weekend, but with Deepika it just felt perfect. It was like all of his body was reacting, all of his body was into it.
He felt overwhelmed, really. His breath was totally crazy. He was about to unbutton her shirt when suddenly...

Strong knocks on the door woke him up in a start. He had decided to take a little nap before the party tonight... but what was that dream about? Ridiculous.
He quickly put his shirt back on and opened the door.

"Hello, I'm Jo.. I sleep on the room next to yours... I'm really sorry to ask you this but.. do you have toothpaste? I don't have any anymore and I really really need to brush my teeeeeeth"
Said an around 40 years old lady, with a small smile.

Ranbir smiled. "Yes of course" he went to his suitcase and took one of the toothpaste he had.
He went back to the door and handed it to the lady.
"Here, take it all."
"Thank you very much, have a nice evening" she smiled and went back to her bedroom.

Deepika was watching some random TV show on TV when she heard her phone buzzing. She frowned and looked at it, who could it be?

From: Kalki ❤️
TO: Deepika ☺️☺️
Hey there Deepu! U ok? Came for lunch and u weren't there. Sup? U sick?

She smiled at the text, how sweet! Kalki was actually worried. She had totally forgot to tell her she was leaving for the week.

From: Deepika ☺️☺️
To: Kalki ❤️
Hi Kalki! I totally forgot to tell you, but I had to meet a customer in Delhi with Ranbir Kapoor! I'm gone until Friday! Sorry for not telling you! Sending you a lot of love! 😘😘

Deepika smiled softly and looked at the time. It was already 7pm. She decided it was so time to get ready for the party tonight. She was not so excited about seeing that weird guy but she had to admit she was quite happy that she was going with Ranbir. Of course it was not like he choose her to go there with.. but it was still exciting!

She got her favorite sari out of her suitcase and put it on. She then decided to do her make up.
When it was all done, she looked at herself in the mirror.. yeah she should definitely do her hair too.
She decided to do it wavy. She looked at herself again and sighed. She took her glasses off slowly and decided to wear contacts. There she was ready.

As she finished putting earrings on, she heard a knock on the door. She walked quickly and opened it. Her face lightened up and a smile revealing her dimples appeared on her face.
"Ranbir, hi" she said softly.

Wow. That was the only word coming in Ranbir's mind right now. She was absolutely stunning.
Before he knew it, he realized he might've been staring for too long.
"huh, y-you're not wearing your glasses, it changes you" he said. Just as he said that, a slight frown appeared on Deepika's face and he immediately added.
"In a good way, you look cute" eventually her smile appeared again. Ranbir felt better.

Deepika had to admit that she found it quite clumsy, yet adorable. The way he tried not to offense her. It was very cute.
"Okay, let me grab my phone and purse, and we shall go"
She quickly went back in the room, took her stuff and quickly looked at her phone.

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