Part 5

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Hello guys!! How is everyone? Here is the new chapter, I hope you have fun reading it!! Please let a little review!! 💞😘
Deepika was still standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom of her customer. She felt the tears rushing to her eyes as the realization hit her. How could she have been so stupid? Falling in love with someone when she was engaged to someone else? It was true that she did not even know the guy and that it was arranged but still, it was a stupid move from her.

Ranbir was standing on the dancefloor. She had left so soon and without an explaination. Did he do something wrong? Maybe she just felt sick. Sick of him? No, stupid idea. She just felt sick... or needed to pee, no big deal.
Ranbir frowned at his own thought as he quickly left the dancefloor.

Deepika stood still, staring at her own reflection in the mirror. First of all, why would she even dance with his superior, ridiculous. Second of all, love was something easy to get rid of, as long as she kept her distance, it would eventually go away. Ranbir probably did not feel the same way anyway. As he told her before, he was a workaholic and he had no time for any girlfriends.

Ranbir danced a little longer with some girls and then, after an hour or so, he decided to look after Deepika, so they could go back to the hotel together. He didn't feel like leaving her go back to the hotel alone.
He walked around the house and began worrying a little bit when he couldn't find Deepika. Did she leave without him? He looked again and when he realized he couldn't find her, he grabbed his phone and called her number.

Deepika was standing outside, on the porch of the house. She was actually waiting for Ranbir. But she wouldn't admit it to herself. She could've just take a cab and go back to the hotel... but she wanted to see him. Plus she had left him without a word, she kinda felt guilty.
As she sat on the steps of the small stairs, her phone rang. She opened her bag and answered.
"Hello?" She said softly

"Deepika? Where are you? I'm worried" Ranbir said, a hint of fear in his voice.
"Ranbir..?" she said, her back getting straight.
"Where are you Deepika, are you at the hotel?"
"No, i'm outside, on the front porch" Ranbir heard Deepika say, in a low voice.
Ranbir hung up the phone and almost ran to the front door. He didn't know why, but he just wanted to make sure she was okay.

Deepika frowned at her phone and put it back in her bag. She sighed and rested her head on her hands. She then heard the door opening and looked behind her. There was Ranbir. Her eyes lit up at his sight and she stood up slowly.

Ranbir finally found her on the porch, as she said. He had opened the door and now all he could do was to stare at her. She was so pretty, and her saree... she just looked breathtaking in it. But Ranbir did not dare to say a word, nor to show his emotions.
"Are we going back together? Or are you staying a little longer?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"Let's go, please" Deepika replied, shyly. She looked down. Ranbir looked so serious and cold that it made her shiver. Was did he have to be like that, all nice and warm for a minute and then, the second after he is cold again.

Ranbir nodded softly "okay". He began walking to the road, not really paying attention to if  she was following. But he wanted to. So so much. It was like she was invading his mind and he could not find a way to get her out of here. It was... a strange feeling.

Deepika followed him. She guessed she might've hurt his feelings by leaving so soon when they were dancing, because he looked mad. Well... no he did not really but he sure looked like he wanted to put distance between them. And she had to admit it hurt her a little.
They walked through the street, looking for a taxi, but after five minutes of just roaming around the district, they had to accept that they would not find one that way.

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