Part 6

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Hey everyone! Here is a new part! I hope you enjoy it and that you still enjoy this story 🥰 Thank you for everything, please leave a little review!!!
A week had passed since the business trip to Delhi. A week, seven days. More like seven sleepless nights for Deepika. It might sound stupid, but she missed him. She really really missed seeing Ranbir everyday and every nights. She missed him saying 'good night' at her door every evening... she just missed him.

She woke up that morning from a 2-hour night and got ready for work. The plans for the water park in Delhi weren't completely finished yet so she decided to finish them today.
She arrived at the office by 7:30. Which was 30 minutes earlier than the usual, but she couldn't wait anymore. It had been seven days...

Ranbir was walking to his office. He had taken the habit to arrive a little early, not to meet Deepika. He was very scared of what he could say, or do without realizing. He knew he had fallen in love with her but he also knew that she was about to get married. He just couldn't interfere. It was her business and he did not want to cause her any hurt, that was the least he could do after all.

Walking in the hallways, on his way to his office, he almost spit all of his coffee as he saw her, a few feet away. The door of her office was open and he could see right into it. For a couple of minutes, he stayed where he was, where she couldn't see him, and he stared.
She looked beautiful. Sitting there on her chair, a frown on her bright face from being so concentrated on her drawings.
Who was he kidding? He couldn't help the butterflies he felt in his stomach everytime he saw her and he couldn't help his legs to feel like jelly all the time.

As he was observing her from the corner of the hallway, a tap on his shoulder made him jump. He turned quickly and he saw a laughing Aditya.
"What's going on man?" he said, fighting the laughters.
Ranbir frowned at his friend and quickly thought of an answer.
"I-um..I was fixing that wall there was a.... a stain.."
"Not to me Ranbir not to me. Who are you stalking" Aditya asked, a huge grin on his face.
Ranbir sighed. He knew that Aditya would not believe anything he would make up but thankfully he also knew he could trust his friend.
"Deepika" he simply said.

Aditya's face turned from dead of laughter to shocked.
"OH MY GOD" he almost yelled as Ranbir frowned and shushed him.
"Shut up, not so loud" ranbir whispered
"Y-you like her?! The nerd?!?"
"Okay, first of all, she isn't a nerd. She is just a little bit shy but she's really fun to be around. And second of all, of course I don't like her. We are good friends... plus she is getting married soon so.." Ranbir said softly, pulling out his best acting skills.
"Hm alright man. We'll pretend I didn't see the way you just looked at her and nevermind. Lol." Adi said, kind of fed up with his friend's childish behavior. He then continued his way to his office.

Ranbir sighed as he decided he should probably go to his office instead of staying here. He walked there awkwardly, holding his papers in his hands and looking down, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Maybe she didn't even like him that much. Maybe she thought he sucked. He walked quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone and trying to be discreet. Though his body language pretty much told it all.

Deepika was concentrated on her paper but as she wanted to drink a sip of her water, her eyes met Ranbir, who was acting pretty weird but yet, he was there. Deepika's whole body froze. Seven whole days. She had even started overthinking about how he might have hated that week and was avoiding her for that reason. Or maybe he had changed job. She didn't know and she was way to shy to ask that to anyone.
And all of a sudden, there she was, fighting the urge to get up from her chair and run to him, to hug him tighter than she'd ever hugged anyone.
Deepika wasn't stupid, she knew it could cause troubles and decided to keep that for her mind.

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