Part 11

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Heyy!! New chapter! I hope you will enjoy it! 💛💛
Thank you for reading this story anyway, it means a lot to me! Please let a little review! It's super motivating and it reallt helps to keep the story going!
Still 3 days left:

"Deepika, don't get married." Ranbir finally said, a desperate look on his face.
Deepika opened her mouth to speak as she was in complete confusion.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Kalki. And she immediately felt like she should have never opened that door. She stayed like paralyzed for a couple of seconds and then finally spoke.
"huh.. Deepika they're waiting for you.."

Ranbir felt like a kid that had just got caught stealing candies. He was ALMOST there. He almost told her. And now it was going to be too late. No. No he would tell her. Today, he would talk to her before the dinner. And so what? Maybe she wouldn't feel the same way and maybe she wouldn't do anything about it but Katrina was right. If he didn't tell her, he would regret it his whole life.

Deepika gave one last panicked look to Ranbir before leaving the room with Kalki. She felt dizzy once again but most of all she was so confused. What did Ranbir mean? Was it even real or was it her imagination?
She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Aditya. They were walking there, the three of them. Deepika looked behind while walking. She was looking for him. She couldn't help herself. She felt hopeful and she could see the world turning around her. She felt super dizzy all of a sudden. She was having a hard time trying to keep up with her walk.

She walked through the hallway with her two friends like bodyguards. She could see a few of her friends smiling softly at her. Little girls looked at her like she was a princess. Rahul's mother looked at her with pride and smiled at her. The Pujari was waiting for her in the room next door. But she really did not want to go. She was really attached to the religion and she knew what a wedding meant. She would be linked to Rahul for 7 lives. And honestly she just felt like throwing up right now.

Rahul wouldn't say he was totally into the idea either. He just knew Deepika was pretty and she was the perfect good girl his family always wanted for him. She just did not match his personality. But he assumed she was happy about the fact that she was treated like a princess. The proof was in the way she had not talked to him even once since they first met. Which sucked because they would have to spend some time together apparently.

Kalki was sitting right next to Deepika during the Vidhi ceremony. Aditya was right in front of her. They didn't talk but they were communicating with the eyes. That was their things and had been for a long time. Deepika clearly was not focused enough and Kalki was actually scared this would kill her from the inside.

After the ceremony, they all colored Deepika in yellow. It was so cute to see. All their hands were yellow and deepika's whole face as well.
Kalki found it so cute and she couldn't stop laughing. Deepika smiled sympatheticly and then excused herself to the bathroom of the suite, so that she could take all the haldi off before dinner.

2 days left:

Okay, Ranbir might have failed yesterday, but today was the day. He could feel it.
The thing is that even if he liked to think that he did not really care about if she would reject him or not, he really did. And his anxiety was creeping inside of him every time he would try to get the words out of his mouth. Maybe it was fate? Maybe she would have to be with Rahul forever and that's how it was meant to be and that's it. No. No it could not be.
What was he even expecting? That she was going to leave Rahul for some colleague that developped a nearly obsession for her past few months? He was miserable.

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