Part 12

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HEY HEY!! FINAL CHAPTER (there will be an epilogue after this though) ❤️❤️
?? days left:

Before she knew it, Deepika was running to the Pujari, holding hand with Ranbir. She had never felt this happy before. She felt like in slow motion as they ran together, their smiles bigger and brighter than ever.

What could Ranbir say? Proposing Deepika was the most spontaneous and less thought about decision of his life. But it was also his best decision and as they were running to get married, he felt like he was floating on top of the world. Okay.. he may have just stolen his cousin's girl... but deep down, Deepika had always been Ranbir's girl first.

Anisha on her side was living the most confusing moment of her life as she was waiting for her sister and Rahul to appear and get married and that suddenly it was Ranbir and Deepika that appeared together, the love and the joy readable on their faces. But at the same time, she clearly could see they were meant to be.

Rahul had to admit he felt relieved. Deepika seemed adorable. But also so basic. He couldn't help it, he liked tattooed blondies better. It was without regrets that he saw the two lovers run to the Pujari as if their lives depended on it.

Kalki, who was walking with Aditya to the wedding place couldn't hide her pride. She had made it! Well.. Deepika made it.. but she certainly did help!
Aditya on his side was also really proud of them. They made a good team. And the proud smile of Kalki was really worth this really peliculiar week.

Doing the shaadi rites, Deepika couldn't help shaking a little bit. Everything has changed in only an hour. She had stopped lying to the world and to herself, she had 'ruined' her own wedding and got married to the man she truly loved... all in an hour?? That was crazy!

It was with a huge surprise that Rishi and Neetu Kapoor discovered their son getting married with the bride of the day instead of Rahul, and it was even more confusing to them the way Katrina had cheered along Deepika's close friends when they entered, running like children in the wedding room.
But they would ask the question at the reception.. right.

The night quickly came. Kalki and Aditya were walking to their rooms together, joking about how everyone was so confused and how everyone would keep on being confused until tomorrow. They arrived to Kalki's bedroom and as she was about to enter, Aditya grabbed her wrist.
"Hold on" he said.
Kalki frowned and looked at him with a questionning look.
"You know.. Ranbir and Deepika they really were meant to be and they both felt it. It's just so bad they had to ruin such a beautiful wedding to get together... such damages..."

Kalki, who had hoped his explaination would have made anything clearer, was even more confused.
"That makes absolutely no sense dude. What's your point" she giggled.
"I mean that when two people are meant to be... they should just be." He continued, trying so badly for her to understand what he wanted to say.
But Kalki was still just as confused.
"Well okay yaar, and they are now, we can sleep in peace." Kalki laughed again, almost entering her bedroom again when Aditya re-grabbed her wrist.

"Kalki I love you, and I don't want to wait until you're about to get married to my cousin to tell you this, I want you to know now." Aditya finally said.
Kalki's heart was suddenly beating like a hundred drums during navratri celebration. She smiled and blushed
"I love you too Aditya" she answered shyly.

In (what was now) their bridal suite, Ranbir and Deepika felt like the happiest people on earth. What they probably were actually.
They were both sat on their bed, just staring at each other with a wide smile. And if there was anyone else in the room right now, they would probably feel very uncomfortable. But Deepika and Ranbir felt perfectly comfortable.

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