Chapter 3: "The Growing Pain."

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-Grians pov-

I sighed as I layed in my bed for what seemed like hours as the sunlight disappeared from the room, leaving me alone in the darkness. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I exhaled, a tear rolled down my cheek, why am I even here, I thought as I got up knowing I couldn't be inactive for too long.

I left my base knowing I needed to work on my mansion. I collected my materials and started working, I started using it as a distraction ignoring my need for sleep as I worked through the nights.

I sighed as I finished carving out the inside of the mountain. I wiped the sweat off my forehead as the exhaustion hit me like a truck causing me to collapse to my knees. I let a tear roll down my cheek before quickly wiping it away. I stumbled out of the building carefully making sure not to fall as I took off into the sky, putting on my mask of energy and happiness on as I landed in the shopping district. I refilled all the shulker boxes at the Ggg. I wondered through the district unaware of the eyes that lingered on me. I left returning to my base, only getting through the door before falling to the floor. I crawled to the other side of the room curling up into a ball as sobs racked my body.

My thoughts were so terrible. my fingernails were digging into the skin of my wrist as I sobbed uncontrollably.

My sobs soon turned into sniffles being too tired to keep crying. I slid over to a shulker pulling out my beloved blade, I rolled up both of my sleeves up and placed the blade down making many cuts on both. Slowly feeling the emotional pain turning into physical. A distraction some could say, but for me, it stops the growing pain.

-Mumbo's pov-

There was just this feeling I couldn't shake as I flew off away from grians base, but I tried my best to ignore it.
I continued on with my day, I got slightly worried when I hadn't seen Grian in a few days. But when I got to his base I saw he was working on his mansion and left. That feeling I still can't shake it, I pondered for a minute on what could be wrong but found nothing I should or would be worried about.

I sighed, I decided to message iskall

Hey, did you feel weird after leaving grians base? I typed out

A little why? He responded

Nothing I've just had this feeling. I typed

Okay, let me know if you need anything! He responded

I sighed finding well little to no answers there, what could it be I muttered. It wouldn't hurt if I checked on Grian, right?

Yeah, I'm sure everything's fine! I reassured myself as I took off blasting fireworks in the direction of Grians base.

He must be at his starter base I thought as I landed at his mansion. I arrived expecting to hear mayhem that you usually hear when at grians base but right now there was an eerie silence. I got slightly more worried but told myself he was probably just resting. I stepped inside the normally bright base only to find it darker and eerie. I carefully stepped past the vast arrangement of shulker boxes and chests.

-Grians Pov-

I heard fireworks in the distance I didn't worry at first, but as I heard the clanking of diamond boots I gathered my senses, no one can see me like this. I forced myself up despite the pain my body seems to now be in, I stumble through my base trying to find a good hiding spot hoping they would leave. I stumbled myself into a small corner hearing the steps stop seeming like they were looking at something, I sucked in a tight quiet breath in the cramped area. I hear the steps fade as they went up the stairs, I quietly squeezed out of my hiding spot and scamper off I ended up bumping into a shulker box causing it to fall, I heard a faint call of my name but I was already out the door.

I'm so sorry this is a short one and not very well written but I get random days were ill be in a lot of pain like vomiting from pain so I'm very sorry this is A) late from the initial date and B) not very long

I do hope you enjoyed it anyway and ill see you all in the next chapter! (that will be longer)


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