'A different perspective'

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'ugh,' Mumbo mumbled as he paced the empty room, the sound of shoes hitting the cold pavement echoed through the bare room. He rubbed his hands together anxiously, waiting for news back from his communicator. 'he's staying with me' he thought, 'better set this up for him' he sighed as he set down the shulkers he had prepared earlier.

He tenderly set up the room,

no sharp objects,

no triggering items,

soft things,

something to fiddle with for anxiety,




carpet to cover the hard floor,

he ran through his head remembering everything doc had suggested to him, things so he can't harm himself, try and keep his anxiety as low as possible. Mumbo sat down in a huff, worry, and stress overwhelming him, as he let in a shaky breath. 'I have to do this, for Grian' he thought gently standing to double-check the room.

To say mumbo was scared was an understatement, he was terrified, for his friend, for the way Grian would look at him now, 'this was all to protect him' Mumbo reasoned. 'he'll understand...' Mumbo tried, his watch dinged, he lifted his arm to look at the messages. 'he's calmer' he muttered, he was quick to leave the room looking back one last time to make sure he left nothing that shouldn't be there, behind.

He hastily made his way to the few other hermits, although everyone was worried only a few remained to keep watch of him. 'Grian is probably hating this..' Mumbo thought regretfully, He made his way down the path, false waving him over.

"hey," mumbo muttered, "hi," False said, "he's calmer now," she glanced towards the others. "even if he isn't talking he, uh he, was aggressive, you could say," mumbo nodded, looking at the small-ish building. "mumbo," she paused, mumbo glancing at her. "I'm worried, he's not speaking and is a danger to himself and others at this point," she glanced down at her hands, "please, get him more comfortable with you, your the closest to him and if anyone can convince him into therapy it's you." she looked up at the taller man, "we can't force him to get better, he has to want the help, all we can do is help him from getting himself in harm's way."

she said worry slipping into her soft words. "I know, he's gonna stay with me, so I can help him and things." He sighed "I'll try," he said before iskall was jogging over.

"hey," the Swedish man said, "you can take him home," Iskall continued, gesturing to the building. "okay," mumbo gave a soft smile as iskall patted him on the back, a nice and reassuring gesture.

Mumbo got the quiet boy to successfully follow him, leaving towards his base, Grian wasn't paying attention to mumbo but follow nun the less.

Mumbo had left Grian to settle in his new room, as he continued to work on his base. He had made a lot of progress and it looked fairly done, but it wasn't many things still had to be done for the base to function and look proper.

As he worked he couldn't stop the worry from seeping into his mind, trying to distract himself with his work.

Few weeks had passed with Grian living with mumbo, Grian occasionally left his "room" but only for small amounts of time. Projects and ideas lingered in the young hermit's mind but he didn't try to convince mumbo to let him do them.

Instead, he indulged himself with boredom, pacing the small room and fidgeting with small objects. He tried to keep his anxiety low but it spiked once an awhile, his thoughts constantly running with nothing else to do but dwell in self-hatred.

Soft footsteps filled his ears as he scrambled to sit on the bed, trying to look moderately okay. The door opened to reveal the raven-haired man, Mumbo stepped inside glancing at the hermit on the bed.

"hey," mumbo started, Grians eyes remained trained to the floor but he gave a soft nod of acknowledgment. "how is it going?" mumbo asked, awkwardly shifting his balance. Grian shrugged remaining silent as he fiddled with his hands. "I've been thinking, and well, you haven't gone out and did things much... So I was wondering if you'd like to do a project or something," mumbo spoke "whatever you want, Ill tag along and even help if you'd like.." mumbo finished smiling softly at the younger. Grians eyes perked up at this lifting his head while avoiding eye contact, he nodded quickly ignoring the fact he was still going to be watched.

They made their way through the nether, Grian pulling mumbo towards "The Upside Down" as he liked to call it, upon their arrival there stood grians half-built mansion upside down, the colors darker and more like the nether. Mumbo stood in awe at the huge build, impressed at the skill and the fact it was upside down. "wow," mumbo breathed out, Grian let out a slight giggle at this gliding down to the rule board fixing the broken signs. Mumbo soon arrived after watching Grian replace the signs, "so what are we doing?" Mumbo asked hoping to get a spoken answer. "build.." Grian spoke voice slightly scratchy, "ah, should I help you or should I make my place here?" Mumbo asked smiling "build your.....own" Grian seemed to reluctantly say, softly looking down embarrassed. "okay! Let's get to it!" mumbo said enthusiastically trying to cheer the smaller up, that seemed to work as Grian let out a soft smile going to work on his mansion.

A few hours had passed and Grian placed the remaining blocks to the outside of the build, Mumbo had finished his build a little over an hour ago. Grian glanced towards the small upside-down shack, Mumbo had left to go back to his base Bdubs was however there so Grian wasn't technically being left alone.

Bdubs decided to see if Grian wanted or needed help, "hey Grian!" Bdubs waved as he landed in front of Grian. Grian smiled and waved back, "anything I can help you with?" he asked happily. "yeah...... I need help with the.. inside," Grian spoke barely above a whisper. "I'd love to help, lets do it!" He spoke excitedly.

Mumbo paced around his base, knowing he needed to get work done but couldn't help but stress over everything. Iskall flew down to the more frantic hermit waving with a friendly smile, "hullo!" Iskall smiled as he landed, catching the stressed hermits attention. "oh hey iskall," mumbo mumbled softly regaining his pace. "you okay?" the sweed asked eyes filled with concerned. "yeah.... just stressed?" he said in more of a questioning tone, "about Grian?" Iskall asked. "yeah, I guess.... everything just stressing me out right now." mumbo spoke, "guess everything plying up huh," mumbo chuckled.

"How bout you and Grian just hangout chill or something?" Iskall suggested, "you both could use a chillaxed and calm environment." Iskall said. "maybe," mumbo pondered, "you guys could watch a movie or something that's always relaxing" iskall suggested. "yeah, yeah we'll do that," mumbo said nodding. "thanks iskall," mumbo said smiling gratefully at his friend. "no problem dude! Let me know if you need anything!" Iskall said as he got out his elytra flying off.

Grian wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I think that's good for today, besides its getting late in the overworld." Bdubs chuckled making his way over to Grian, "yeah" grian agreed, getting tired. "you should probably head back to Mumbos" he spoke wiping his hands, Grian nodded waving goodbye at bdubs as he left. Grian collected a few stray shulkers and made his way to mumbos portal.

Arriving back at mumbos he was greeted with non-other than mumbo, "hey Grian," Mumbo said. "I was thinking we could watch a movie tonight?" Mumbo suggested as he turned around towards his more home like part of the base, "sure..." Grian spoke softly following behind the taller man. The soft tapping of rain could be heard as they traveled through the broken down styled build, bits of rain leaking through cracks now and again. A soft rumbling could be heard but the two ignored this, Grian sat down on a couch making himself comfortable.

Mumbo joining him with some tea and chips, He grabbed the remote and turned on the smaller TV. "what you wanna watch?" mumbo asked scrolling through Disney, Grian just shrugged eyes fixated on the screen. "how about this," mumbo said selecting a film. "sure," Grian said watching the intro play out.

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