'We got this' (final chapter)

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Grian watched the credits roll out, pausing the ended movie grian glanced towards mumbo, who was now softly sleeping beside him. He let out a small smile as he got up, taking the two small cups of tea to the kitchen.

Grian set the cups down, as he looked out the window watching the raindrops roll down the pane. The world seemed to get brighter around him, as the words in his head got louder. 

A shiver was sent down his spine, a hollow ache lingered through his chest. He sighed looking at the window, Grian carefully went outside. sitting in the wet grass, Grian inhaled softly sighing in the misty air. His red sweater grew a shade darker as the rain trailed down his skin, his hair sticking to his forehead dripping down his face. Grian closed his eyes and leaned his head back, facing the sky. The clouds mixed together with many shades of greys and blues, the occasional flash of light beaming through the sky. The wet trees swayed in the harsh winds, water dripping from their leaves. The atmosphere was peaceful, the sound of raindrops pattering on rough surfaces ringing through his ears. 

although his mind was full, of stress and negative thoughts fueled by anxiety. He took this moment to try and breathe, finally away from others and their prying eyes. sadness bubbled up in his chest, as tears spilled from his eyes, the salty liquid mixing with the rain. his shoulders shook as let out out a shuddering breath, his hands harshly gripped the wet grass, nicking on some small rocks. The blood pooling with the stream of water that rolled down the hill.

Grian scratched at his arms, the rain soaking his hair as a flash of light struck through the sky, as the storm grew thicker. His shaking form shuddered in the cold air, a hollow pain striking through his chest as he wanted to scream. Loneliness overwhelmed him as the pain grew worse, in that moment he wished his mind would be clear, he wished he didn't have to feel. the rumbling got louder, as the winds picked up its speed, ruffling his sweater.

A soft towel was draped over his shoulders, Mumbo turning so he was in front of him. "Grian? Grian, are you okay?" Mumbo asked concern laced in his voice, softly tugging the frail boy up. Grian didn't respond as more tears rolled down his cheeks, he coughed as mumbo dragged him inside. "you're gonna catch a cold" mumbo said softly now aware of the hermit's tears.

"Let's get you in some dry clothes, and then well talk okay?" Mumbo said with Grian nodding in response.

Grian watched mumbo carefully, eyeing his expressions and movements, He quietly tried to figure out what was going through mumbos head, whether he is disappointed in him or angry. his head drifted towards the window catching his anxious mind's attention, the small bits of water that pooled on the window calmed his bouncing knee, as his sweaty hands rubbed together.

"here you go," Mumbo said handing him the few articles of clothing that laid in his arms. Grian nodded in response softly taking the items from him, he went into his room to change remaining quiet as his anxiety spiked with his overflow of thoughts and emotions.

(pov change- grian)

I quickly shook out of my clothes, frazzled, and quite scared. Although the atmosphere was calm and neutral, it didn't stop my mind from going through every possible outcome of the conversation to come. It's not that i even did anything particularly bad, however my anxiety likes to think otherwise.

I paused, snaking my arm through a red sleeve. I let out a shaky breath, taking the time to notice how uneven it had become.

I- I didn't even do anything wrong, he hates me. He's going to yell at me for this, why did i bother trying to have some peace, I should have just gone to bed. I never should have gone out there.

I had gotten quite used to the rambling of panic that would often flow through my mind, I always pushed back the thoughts only having a few times where they consumed my every thought and emotion. Walls had been built up around me, especially after I harmed myself to cope. fear and feeling like a burden prevented me from opening up anymore. 

hurry up he's waiting, you already made one mistake today. hurry up and go.

It sings a sweet song, as it plagues my mind. I gathered my wet things and set them in a basket I had for laundry, I hurried out of the room not bothering to even try drying my soaked hair. Mumbo sat on the couch facing away, but the tension I felt in the air, made my lungs want to collapse. I shuffled over to the couch reluctantly, I wanted to become invisible or curl up in myself as much as possible. Mumbos head turned slightly to notice me enter the room, his hand waved gesturing for me to come over. I walked around the couch, mumbo patting the spot beside him. "I'm not mad, sit down," he said softly, I gathered whatever part of me that wasn't screaming to run and sat down. 

'i know it's hard' mumbo spoke as he sat down 'but we're in this together' he said comforting the nervous boy. 'we got this' he murmured as they embraced.

'We got this'

sorry, this is the last chapter and frankly not a very good chapter at that, I just needed to finish this one so I can move on to writing new books, if your wondering about that I talked about it on my profile, to sum that up I'm basically writing full books then uploading it all so people have fully completed books to read!

thanks for everything! I hope you stay around to read more books to come! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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