Chapter 4: "Running...."

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter, there are a few trigger warnings but I'm gonna assume that's what you're here for, I do hope you enjoy, now get reading! (read end paragraph)


(1415 words woohoo!!!)

-Grians Pov- 

I landed at the shopping district panting after that encounter I had, I rubbed my eyes fixing my jumper. I jumped and flinched away when I heard someone land behind me. 

"Hey, Grian!" I heard a cheerful voice say.

I calmed myself and turned to see iskall.

"Hey iskall' i said softly 

"you alright man? you're more jumpy than normal." iskall asked his face contorted in worry

"I'm alright, I was just daydreaming, and you caught me off guard." I smiled

"oh, sorry," he said pausing "oh, yeah mumbo went to your base I think he's looking for you." the Swedish man said

"oh," I said that must have been who was there. I briefly looked around not wanting to explain my running away, I saw someone flying and could only guess it was mumbo.

"i-i gotta go cya around," I said cursing at my stutter.

"yeah bye!" iskall said not seeming to  care.

I launched myself into the air with my rockets, I quickly glided away not bothering to look back as I flew off. I soon landed at my base hoping no one was actually there still, Tears began to run down my pale cheeks as I let the mask fade. I can't stay here, I muttered they don't need me and my problems, they have enough on their plate as it is. I stumbled over my thoughts as I opened a shulker box placing some items inside the box. besides, I just mess things up I muttered aloud. I was now sobbing silently and uncontrollably, my body shook as I filled up shulker boxes with essentials and supplies.

I slowly stood Placing the boxes into my inventory, I turned and froze silently sucking in a breath as tears continued to fall. Mumbo was standing in the doorway worry written all over his face, I silently took a step back. 

"G- Grian?" Mumbo said softly I didn't reply as I took another step back, fear clearly evident on my face

"Grian, what are you doing?" Mumbo said gently as he took a step forward.

I shook my head,  looking for a way out

"Grian, look at me" mumbo said gently I only looked away more trying to hide the tears that were now falling freely. 

"Grian" mumbo said sounding worried and desperate

mumbo knew, he knew I was close to bolting, 

"I'm sorry," I said in a soft whisper as I turned and ran for the tunnel that connected our starter bases.

"GRIAN!" I heard mumbo desperately cry, I ran as fast as I could my legs were aching but I continued, I ran out of mumbos base taking off.  looking back I saw mumbo standing at the front of his base, I silently whispered I'm sorry again as I glided father from mumbos base.

I wiped the tears away as I continued to soar, I looked up to see the sun setting and to make matters worse my elytra was about to break. I didn't know how far away I was but landed anyhow. I landed beside a small hill deciding to carve out a small area for me to rest, I placed down a shulker and took a bed out of its contents placing it, already physically exhausted but also mentally as I cried myself to sleep with the cold winds blowing through the small cave. 

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