Chapter 5: "Home Away From Home."

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Heylo everyone! Welcome to chapter 5!!! Wow, this story is coming along! I am very excited to continue writing this, I have many ideas for the next chapters (I usually go with the flow when writing with no idea of what the heck I'm doing...) this time I actually have a storyline, wow!! (if you are wondering... death is permanent in this story!)

Thanks so much for your support and patience! (one of my fav songs above!)

(Again warning sad contents ahead!!)

Anyways get reading!! That's what you're here for, isn't it!!

(2313words!!!!) <3

-Grians pov- 

I shivered as I felt cold wind brush against my curled body. I slightly opened my eyes squinting at the dimly lit cave, the sunlight streaming through the small hole in the wall. I shifted untangling myself sitting up wincing at my sore body. The events of the previous day replayed in my mind causing my breathing to speed up, I slowly sucked in small breathes trying to clam myself. I stepped out of the cave looking around the flat clear area, I gathered my things back into a shulker starting to walk.  I just walked ignoring the ache that lingered throughout my body as I forced it to move, I knew where I was going I had prepared, prepared to leave. I knew I wasn't actually wanted, I wrote this place down, always knowing where I'd go, I'd already accepted my fate.

my walking came to a halt as I collapsed to the ground, my legs shaking with exhaustion as I watched the sunset. I let a small smile play at my lips as I felt the cold air surround me, the warm sun dipping behind the horizon, I made it, I sighed. I sat there despite the mobs that would start spawning, glancing at the map in my hand as I sat in the dark field, the only small amount of light coming from the single touch placed beside me. Despite my body screaming at me to sleep and lay still, I didn't, I got up slowly taking items out of a shulker. 

I placed down the wood and logs I had, forming a small hut, the roof,  the tiny home was finished as I placed my remaining items inside the small area. I laid down on the floor not bothering to place a bed I could care less at this moment, all I want is rest. Exhaustion tugged at my eyelids forcing them closed, as I drifted to sleep ignoring the cold and damp floor as my body relaxed its tense muscles.

-Scars pov- (wow someone else for a change! XD)

I Wondered through my magical village, sighing in contentment as I looked at my project satisfied with the gorgeous builds. I flew back to my base going inside of the snail, I looked through my arrangements of chests. I heard a small knock looking up I saw mumbo and iskall since I happened to have no door, I smiled brightly at them waving.

"Hey, guys!" I said cheerfully.

"come in!"I said seeing as the just stood at the door.

"hey, scar" I heard them both reply.

"what can I help ya with?" I replied standing up brushing myself off.

"uh.." I heard iskall mumble before mumbo quickly cut him off

"We were wondering if you noticed anything with grian?" Mumbo said worry tugging at his words.

"yeah, I have...why?" I asked

Mumbo opened his mouth to speak but this time iskall spoke.

"Grians ran away per se when mumbo approached him, Grian just ran..?" iskall answered

"oh," I said forming the letter with my lips

"so what have you noticed?" mumbo replied anxiously

"well from what I've noticed, Grians been very distant..." I replied

"Even when we hang out for building projects and stuff, he's very jumpy and tired?" I said running through my thoughts.

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