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Colby's POV

I hear a knock on my door and jolt up.

It was just a dream....

I check my phone and see that Sam hasn't replied to my text. The person knocks on my door again. I stand up and open the door.

"Hey, Colby. Have you seen Sam recently?" Corey asks.

"No, he's not home?"

"No. But I'm sure he's fine."

I don't answer, I just down on my bed. Corey leaves the room.

Where could he be? What if he's not okay?

I take out my phone and text him again.

C: Sam, where are you? sent at 3 pm

A half-hour passes, and he still hasn't answered so I call him.

It goes to voicemail.

Sam, Please, call or text me. I'm really worried about you.

Sam's POV

I left the house early in the morning because I just needed time alone. I drive to the beach, Colby on my mind. I arrive at the beach and lay out a blanket to sit on. I stare out at the ocean and get lost in my thoughts.

Colby and I have been doing so well lately. I'm glad we are talking again and that we are friends. But I want to be more than friends.

I hear my phone ding so I turn it off not wanting to be distracted.

I want Colby to be my boyfriend, but I don't think he wants me back. He has not given me any clues that he wants to get back together. I'm happy to have him back in my life and I don't want to lose him again. But I want more.

I start to get cold so I drive home. When I get home, Colby is waiting in the living room.

"Sam?! Where have you been?!"

"I needed to get away to think. What's the problem?" I say.

"Do you know how worried I've been? Why didn't you answer your phone?" he asks.

"I told you that I needed to think. I heard my phone go off so I turned it off," I say.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" he yells.

"What are you so upset about?" I question.

He doesn't answer but turns around and walks upstairs.

"Colby!" I yell after him.

I follow him upstairs only to see that he goes into his room and slams his door.

What is wrong with him? Why is he so upset that I left to think? I don't understand what is going on.

I knock on his door and he yells "go away Sam."

"Colby, please talk to me."

He doesn't respond. I try the door but he had locked it. I sigh and lean against his door.

"Sam?" Jake asks.

"He won't open the door. He won't talk to me," I say. "I don't understand..."

"Corey told me that he was really worried about you. I think something happened," he says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Corey said he looked confused when he asked him if he had seen you. That might have something to do with it," Jake says.

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