A Bridge to You?

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Sam's POV

We couldn't find Colby at any of the places he usually is. We decide to head home if in case he is there. I get home before Corey or Jake. I see a note next to the note I wrote.

Sam, Corey, and Jake,

I saw your note. I made a decision while I was out. I'm going home to Kansas. I need to figure some things out. I don't want you guys to worry, but I know you will. I need this time to figure things out for myself. I don't know when I'll be back.


I collapse onto the couch, tears falling down my face. He's gone. He left.

Corey and Jake arrive home five minutes later to see me crying on the couch.

"Sam, what happened?" Corey asks.

I hand them the note and they read it together.

Corey and Jake look at me.

"H-he left..." I choke out.

They both hug me, trying to reassure me. I spend the next two days in my room, only leaving to get food and water.

In the afternoon on the second day after he left, I get a text from Colby. He created a group chat with all of us.

Colby: Hey. I just wanted to say that I'm safely home in Kansas.

Corey: Colby, what is going on?

Jake: dude, call us back!

Sam: Colby, please call me.

He doesn't answer any of us. The next day, I get a notification that Colby had posted a video on YouTube.

"Hey, guys. First off, I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I've been going through some personal stuff. As you can see, this is not my usual setup. I'm at home in Kansas for the time being. I don't really want to go into detail on social media, but I need to take some time for my mental health and to figure things out. I'm sorry everyone. But I need to take a break from YouTube and social media for a while. I hope you all understand."

I go downstairs to see if Corey and Jake saw the video. They are waiting for me. The looks on their faces tell me that they saw the video. We sit down to discuss the video. After about an hour, I head upstairs and try to call Colby again. It goes straight to voicemail.

Hi Colby. I really miss you. I hope you come home. Or at least call me. I want to hear your voice. I love you and I'm sorry I didn't give you an answer. Please call or text me.

I spend the days in my room, not talking to anyone. I check my phone often, hoping for a text from Colby.

Two days later, I receive another text from Colby to the group chat.

Colby: Hey. I just wanted to give you an update. I decided to stay in Kansas for at least the next two months. I'm okay.

I text Colby.

S: You're really staying for two months?

He finally replied

AN Italics are messages sam actually sent, bold was not sent

C: yes, I have to do this for me.

S: I miss you

S: I love you. Please come home

S: I'm sorry.

C: for what?

S: For not answering you when you said you wanted to get back together

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