The Date

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Colby's POV

I walk outside to see that Sam has decorated the backyard with lights and streamers. I walk to him and he pulls out a flower for me.

"Hi babe," he says, pulling me down to the blanket he laid out.

"Hi, Sammy."

He pulls me into his arms and says, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I answer, kissing him.

He kisses me back. We spend the rest of the evening cuddling and talking. It was a perfect night.

Four Months Later

I've moved my things out of my room and into Sam's. We made my room into a recording studio and we now share Sam's room. I'm not going to say that everything is perfect because we still have some sticky moments but we talk through them now. We made a pact when we got back together. We take time to cool down after a fight and then we come back and talk rationally. I fall in love with Sam more and more each day. I never thought that I would love someone this much.

One Year Later

Sam's POV

Today's the day I'm going to take things one step further in my relationship with Colby. I've been dropping subtle hints about something special that I'm planning, that I have a surprise for him. I tell him to meet at the beach at sunset and leave in the afternoon to set up the proposal. He arrives and I kiss him. I get down on one knee and he gasps.

"Colby, I love you so much. I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" he says, kissing me.

I kiss him, sliding the ring onto his finger.

We are no longer broken but two halves of a whole. Two people in love, just happy to be together.

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