Chapter Twenty - Lake Laogai

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"You were the one who stole the Avatar's bison." Azula finished.

Long Feng gasped, "who do you think you are? Accusing me of thievery!"

Azula took a step closer, pushed him to the wall and grab him by his collar.

"What are you doing!" Zuko hissed.

"Why don't you take a closer look?" She said with an evil grin and puts her hand up, revealing the blue flame.

"Princess Azula?" Long Feng asked. His face then turns to mere satisfaction. "I see that you have joined the Avatar."

"Release the bison." Azula said sternly.

"Now, why would I do that." He snarled.

They wouldn't want to know what lies underneath the lake, would they?" She warned.

"How could you possibly know about that!" He tested.

Everyone stared at her with a puzzled look

"Wow, you really think I'm an idiot don't you?"

"Unhand me this instant or I'll have you all arrested!" He snapped.

She let go slowly, "I was done there anyways."
He brushed himself off and cleared his throat.

"Now Joo Dee will escort you out."

A woman walked into the room, an entirely new Joo Dee. This one looked nothing like the one the Gaang has seen previously.

"Come with me, please." Said the replacement Joo Dee.

"What happened to Joo Dee?" Katara asked.

"I'm Joo Dee. I'll be your host as long as you're in our wonderful city.." She replied.


They were now make in their temporary home.

"Hey, Azula? What was all that lake business about?" Toph asked.

"Oh! Right, that. Underneath Lake La-"

"We found printers to make our Appa posters!" Katara squealed.

Zuko walks up to her, "You're so cute when your excited." And plants a kiss in her cheek.

"Keep your oogies for yourself!" Sokka yelled. "I thought I was in charge of making the posters."

"Trust me, you guys don't want to look at it." Zuko teased.

"Hey!" Sokka yelled.

"Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head." Aang reminded.

"That is his head!" Sokka said, extremely offended.

"Why are feet coming out of it?" Katara asked.

"Those are his horns." He explained and put his head down. "I haven't seen him in a while, okay?"

"It looks just like him to me." Toph says sarcastically.

Zuko and Azula stifled a laugh.

"Thank you I worked really—why do you feel the need to do that." He asked.

"Because it's frickin hilarious." Azula answered.

"What Azula said." Toph laughed.

Aang walked over to Toph and wrapped his arm around her.

Sokka angrily rips up his drawing.

"Come on lets get busy." Aang declared!

"Wait, why are we even making posters?" Azula asked. "We know Long Feng has him."

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