Chapter Thirty-Four

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Suddenly Guru Pathik appeared in front of Aang.

"Chakras, chakras, everybody loves chakras. Chakras, chakras, chakras sandwich tastes good. Yum!" He chanted.

Meanwhile, Appa and Momo fighting.

"Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!" Koala-sheep cheered

Beads of sweat began forming in Aang's head as rocks in front of him merge into a long snake. It coils around him tightly before sliding away.

"I just need to jump in a cold waterfall!" Aang said as he started running.

"I'll-" Katara started saying.

"I will follow him." Azula said. "And knock someone sense into him."

"Don't be harsh!" Zuko yelled.

"No promises!" Azula yelled back.

She walked around for a few seconds and spots Aang in a waterfall. She sat on the patchy grass beside it.

"Avatar." She said. "Pull yourself together."

"That's easier said then done, Azula." Aang grumbled.

"I know that but if you don't pull yourself together soon, this invasion might not work." Azula said.

Aang shot up and it looks like he was about to start another round if hallucinations.

"Why'd you say that!" He yelled as he nervously bit her fingers.

"Because it's the truth!" She yelled. "You have to do this.....or else."

"Or else what?" Aang asked.

"The whole world is going to feel like you let them down again." She said.

Azula say Aang get more nervous.

"Forget what I said." She said. "Just try your best, okay? All that matters is that you made an attempt."

"Thanks Azula." He said with a smile.

Azula looked down in embarrassment.

"And if all fails, try this." She threw him a bottle.

"For hallucinations, insomnia, and..Azula why do you have this?" He asked with slight concern in his words.

"That's none of your concern!" She spat as she continue walking away.


"Oh, look. Another hallucination. An imaginary bed made out of clouds." Aang said staring at the fluffy mess that laid in the grass.

"Hey! It's real! We spent hours working on it." Toph exclaimed.

"We wouldn't have to if he wasn't such a pain in the a-" Katara interrupted Zuko by nudging him in the shoulder. "I mean, yeah yeah, here you go."

"We made it for you." Sokka said. "A good night's sleep will probably take the crazy away. We hope."

"Look! You guys keep telling me that I need to sleep, but I can't! The invasion's tomorrow!" Aang protested.

"Aang." Toph said sternly.

"No, Toph!" Aang yelled. "There's still so much I haven't learned. I don't need sleep. What I need is practice. Quick, hit me!"

"Gladly!" Azula said easing her arm up. Katara glared at her.

"I mean, no." Azula said rolling her eyes.

"Listen, you've been training for this since the day we met." Katara said.

"I've seen your progress." Toph said, matter-of-factly. "And you are ready to meet up a thousand spillers, Twinkletoes."

"You really think so?" Aang asked with joy

"We all do. You can do this. You're ready." Sokka told him.
"You're the man, Twinkle Toes!" Toph yelled.

"You aren't the worse bender I've ever seen." Azula added while nodding. "You're better than this guy."

Zuko pushed her out of the way. 

"You're ready." Zuko said, he turned around to see Azula glaring. "I better run..."

"Thanks, guys." Aang said as he yawns and rubs his eyes. "You know what? I think I am ready."


Face reveal? Age reveal?

Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Hope you have an amazing day and don't forget to smile :)

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